
Should I include .com in my logo?

When it comes to your business logo, simplicity is often the key. Your business logo design should include just your readable business name. Don’t add .com or .

Where should my logo go on my website?

Places to Put a Website Logo

  • Top Left. It is recommended that placing it to the left is the ideal spot to improve brand recognition and UX.
  • Footer. Contrary to popular belief, footers are a highly visible section of a website.
  • Off-Site Blog or Subdomain.
  • Thank You or Confirmation Page.

Should my website name be the same as my domain name?

Ideally they should all be the same as your domain name. If something’s already taken, a small change to your brand name or adding an industry- or location-specific modifier that’s consistent across all your social media networks might be the way to go.

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Should I add LLC to my logo?

With that being said, you do not always have to include “LLC” in your logo, domain name, social media pages or marketing collateral. Therefore, you don’t need “LLC” in your branding, but it’s important that you include “LLC” in your business title for all legal documentation.

Six Elements to Include in Your Logo Design

  • Combine Icon and Text. Typing your business name in a sans-serif font is not the same as having a logo.
  • Include a Tagline.
  • Proper Color Scheme.
  • Stand out both digitally and in print.
  • Shine in all contexts.
  • Accessible in different file types.

What size should a logo be for website?

The normal site logo range is between 250 x 100px and 400px X 100px for a horizontal logo, and 160px X 160 px for a vertical one. There are other schools of thought that recommend smaller logo sizes (less than 100px) as the ideal.

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Does your logo have to match your business name?

Name And Logo — Working Together Since both name and logo are so important to branding, it’s absolutely vital that they work well together. But just because your logo and name need to be able to work together, this doesn’t mean that they always have to be used together.

How to choose the right logo for your business?

Relies On Trends. Focusing on current logo trends is like putting a sell-by date on a logo. Trends (whether swooshes, glows or bevels) come and go and ultimately turn into cliches. A well-designed logo should be timeless, and this can be achieved by ignoring the latest design tricks and gimmicks.

Should you focus on current logo trends?

Focusing on current logo trends is like putting a sell-by date on a logo. Trends (whether swooshes, glows or bevels) come and go and ultimately turn into cliches. A well-designed logo should be timeless, and this can be achieved by ignoring the latest design tricks and gimmicks.

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How many common logo design mistakes should you avoid?

Below, we go through 10 common logo design mistakes that you should avoid if you want to create a successful and professional logo. More after jump! Continue reading below ↓ Meet Smashing Online Workshops on front-end & UX, with practical takeaways, live sessions, video recordings and a friendly Q&A. On design systems, CSS/JS and UX.

What happens to Your logo design when you print it small?

You’ll notice the intricacies of your fingerprints only when looking at them really close up. As soon as you move away, those details are lost. The same holds true for highly detailed logo designs. When printed in small sizes, a complex design will lose detail and in some cases will look like a smudge or, worse, a mistake.