
How do you say prayers and thoughts without prayers?

How do you say prayers and thoughts without prayers?

What You Can Say Instead of Sending ‘Thoughts and Prayers’

  • I’m here for you.
  • My favorite memory of your loved one is…
  • I am so sad to hear about your loss.
  • They always told me so much about you.
  • I’m only a phone call away.
  • I’m thinking of you today.
  • I am so sorry.
  • We will miss them so much.

What can I say instead of my thoughts are with you?

How to Say ‘My Thoughts Are With You’ When Someone’s Sick

  • I’m praying for you to get well soon. Let me know if you need anything. Prayers can play their part in healing the body and mind.
  • I’m sorry this sickness is part of your life. I am here with you every step of the way.
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What should I say to an atheist?

In other words, show them respect and get to know them. Who knows, God could be using YOU as a tool to plant a seed. Witnessing to an atheist is all about showing the love of Jesus Christ and less about what to say to an atheist. 2.

Can an atheist thank you for unsolicited prayers?

But if a young adult promises such prayers, the atheist recipient might be excused if a slightly perplexed glance accompanies the graceful thank-you. Ultimately, the key factor in considering the unsolicited prayer is the intent of the prayer-sender.

How do Christians respond to atheists asking for Miracles from God?

Other Christians will normally respond by promising to pray and actually doing so at some point, asking God for miracles and divine intervention. Atheists obviously can’t give the same response because atheists don’t pray at all, much less for a miracle from God.

Why do I need an atheist friend?

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Everyone needs atheist friends, because they will never give you that kind of non-help, but will offer to walk the dog, do the laundry, take the kids for a few hours, etc. “I am praying for you.” relieves that person from any other offers. I’ve had an atheist friend offer to “think good thoughts for me” before an exam.