
Is bartender a stressful job?

Is bartender a stressful job?

Bartending is a job replete with stress. Bartenders work in a highly visible, pressure-packed environment. They must simultaneously meet management’s expectations and satisfy customers’ demands. When the operation gets busy, your bartenders are routinely hard pressed, given far more work than time to complete it.

Is a bartender a bad job?

It’s not that bartending is a bad job, but like any career it has its challenges. Tello says being a good bartender is like a good drink: “In drinks you want balance. And you have to be balanced physically, emotionally and mentally.”

Is bartending a cool job?

It’s Fun – People who pursue bartending jobs are looking for a fun job. In this gig, the days are always a bit different and the people you meet are often entertaining. It’s Not A Desk Job – Bartenders work on their feet. Even though they work behind the bar, it’s still an active job that’s far from the 9 to 5 grind.

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How many calories does bartending burn?

You burn about 100 calories each hour. That’s 800 calories at the office. If you’re on your feet all day, bartending an 8-hour shift for example, you’ll burn 1,200 – 1,500. Depends if you’re stirring or shaking.

What are the negative effects of being a bartender?

Combined with the long hours, feeling drained can strain bartenders’ relationships. “Bartending takes a toll on your personal life,” Williams says. “You don’t have off holidays and weekends, and you miss things — birthdays, anniversaries, holidays.

Is bartending a good career for You?

Bartending done right can be a lucrative career, one where you can save money quickly and have opportunities to move into other facets of the industry. If you want to own your own bar or restaurant one day, the time to start saving is now.

Can you fall in love with bartending?

As with any job, ( and yes, bartending is a real job) there are those that fall in love with bartending the same way some people fall committedly in love with a person.

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What does it mean to take care of yourself as a bartender?

Taking care of yourself means something different to everyone, but many bartenders agree that their job is both physically and mentally taxing. “A lot of bartending is repetitive,” Meehan says. “You shake, stir, lug cases up and down stairs, stand for 12 hours, there’s a lot of bending over.