
How many Western expats live in Singapore?

How many Western expats live in Singapore?

With over 110,000 expatriates and 7,000 multinational companies operating here, global citizens will also feel right at home forging a career in Singapore.

What percentage of Singapore is expat?

Yes! The Singapore expat population stood at 1.64 million as of June 2020 – a figure that represents almost 29\% of the nation’s 5.69 million-strong population according to the Population in Brief 2020 report.

How many American expats are in Singapore?

More than 30,000 U.S. citizens live in Singapore, and nearly 4,000 Singaporeans study in the United States and more than 1,000 U.S. citizens study in Singapore each year (note: the number of students is currently lower due to COVID-19).

What is a good salary in Singapore for expat?

The average pay package for a mid-level expatriate here last year was US$225,171 (S$305,400), or around US$7,300 lower than the previous year. That made Singapore the 17th most expensive location globally for companies to send expatriates to.

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What is Singapore’s population 2021?

5.45 million
Singapore’s total population stood at 5.45 million as of June 2021.

Do expats pay CPF in Singapore?

Expats can start making monthly contributions to their CPF when they become Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR). For the first two years, CPF contributions by both employees and employers can be done at reduced rates to help employees adjust to the lower take-home pay.

What is the population of Singapore including foreigners and expatriates?

As of June 2021, Singapore’s population stood at 5.45 million. Of its total population of 5.45 million in 2021, 4 million are residents, which consists of citizens and permanent residents (PRs), and 1.45 million are non-residents, which consists of those on various work passes as well as foreign students.

What is a typical expat package?

While less common, one might also find the expat package includes the cost of membership to a local golf club, yacht club, gym, etc. – and include subscriptions to magazines, newspapers and trade journals of choice. Standard benefits such as bonuses, annual leave, medical leave and insurance should always be available.