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Is Rate My Professor accurate?

Is Rate My Professor accurate?

As with most review sites, some people just make reviews to make reviews, with no real substance behind it. Some students who didn’t try may leave a review out of anger or maybe even not liking a professor’s learning style. “The ratings on ‘Rate My Professors’ are by and largely accurate,” Deats said.

Does rate my professor affect professors?

From my experience in the US it does not boil down to caring about rate my professor for professional reasons (i.e. we don’t have to worry about getting good grades on the site for tenure purposes), but it does boil down to ego or esteem.

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Can you remove reviews from Rate My Professor?

If you were logged in to your account when you posted a review, you have the ability to edit your reviews. However, you are unable to delete reviews. To manage your reviews, please log into your account and select “My Account” on the top right corner of the screen.

Why is RateMyProfessor down?

Probably the server is overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outage or a website maintenance is in progress… Having Problems with Accessing

Do universities care about Rate My Professor?

So it’s not illogical for some colleges to prefer that students not see evaluations of professors. True, colleges will almost certainly ignore when making promotion decisions, . But many college promotion committees do take into account how many students a professor attracts to his classes.

Can you rate a professor twice on rate my professor?

Rate My Professors reserves the right to remove ratings that do not contain substantive comments. We only allow one student to review a professor one time per course.

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Why was my review removed from Rate My professor?

If your comment was deleted, it likely violated one or more of our site guidelines. All comments submitted are reviewed by our online moderation team. If they find that the content violates our site guidelines, they will remove the comment.

How reliable is the rating of a professor with 50 reviews?

The rating of a professor who has 50 reviews is probably much more reliable than the rating of a professor has 5 reviews. You are right to be concerned, though. Lazy students often rate professors lower than they should out of spite and/or denial about their own culpability for poor grades.

How do students rate their professors?

The people most likely to rate their professors are generally those at the high end and low end of the curve. They’re the ones who self-select. What students often overlook is that professors are quite capable of gaming the system. A senior administrative assistant (with a degree in psychology) showed up as an English professor, for example.

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Why do some professors get better grades than others?

Conversely, many professors who are less than stellar may have great ratings because they are pushovers, or known for hand-holding/extra credit/generally being a source of easy A’s. Things to look for in assessing the trustworthiness of a particular review:

Do professors with two bad reviews mean they are a monster?

Remember that people who take the time to review are likeliest to have LOVED or HATED a professor. A prof with two bad reviews who has been teaching for a few years is probably not a monster…they can’t please everyone. It really depends sometimes.