
What is a good JEE Main score?

What is a good JEE Main score?

What is a good percentile in JEE Main

Percentile Score Position
99 to 95 Very good
95 to 90 Good
90 to 80 Average
Below 80 Satisfactory

How many JEE Main candidates appeared for the test with 240 marks?

If Student 1 with 240 marks is on Rank 1, that means there are no students above him who have secured more than 240 in JEE Main. Including Student 1 and other 199 students below him/her, the total number of candidates appeared for the test is 200. So, by putting in the numbers in formula: NOTE: Is JEE Main Percentile directly related to Rank?

What will be the rank of 77 in JEE Mains 2021?

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JEE Main 2021 cutoff marks will be announced with results depicting the minimum marks required by candidates to be regarded qualified. Your joint entrance examination rank not only relies on your percentage /score it also depends on your category. If you scored 77 which is between 71 & 80 your rank will be in the range of 82249 – 63079

What is the difference between percentile and percentage in JEE Mains?

Percentage defines a candidate’s marks, whereas Percentile defines the position of the candidate amongst others. If a student says s/he has 90 percentile, this means that there are 10 percent students above him/her who have secured higher marks. Formula for calculation of JEE Main Marks vs Percentile –

What is the difference between Marks and marks in JEE Mains?

While the marks of a candidate are the number scored by him/her in the exam, which is declared along with the result. Students can refer to the JEE Main Percentile vs Marks Chart, and estimate their probable percentile. The chart here features the usual range of marks and probable percentile.