
Do vampires feed on other vampires?

Do vampires feed on other vampires?

Vampires are capable of feeding on the blood of other vampires for sustenance, as demonstrated by Mikael and Mohinder.

What happens if a vampire bite another vampire?

Both vampires get grossed out. The vampire doing the biting gains power from the vampire being bitten. The vampire doing the biting gains power over the vampire being bitten. The vampires gain a psychic and/or magical connection with each other.

Why is feeding on another vampire personal?

Why is Elena feeding on Damon’s blood such a big deal? “That’s a little bit of a shout-out to the books, but also just to vampire folklore in general. If you look at any of it metaphorically, it’s a very intimate exchange of bodily fluids. So you can read into that what you will,” she says.

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How long can a vampire live without blood?

For example the tomb vampires, who were by all accounts ordinary vampires and therefore were vulnerable to the same weaknesses survived without blood for 145 years and were able to make a full recover once they consumed blood again.

Does a vampire bite feel good?

Typically the feeling of euphoria is explained as being caused by either psychic abilities of the vampire, or through a chemical transmitted through the bite. For example in The Dresden Files, the saliva of Red Court vampires contains a powerful narcotic that induces euphoria in the victim.

What does Damon mean by blood sharing is personal?

“If you look at any of it metaphorically, it’s a very intimate exchange of bodily fluids. So you can read into that what you will. Well, it’s like vampire naked cuddling,” she said. Damon admits what he’s done to Stefan partially because it doesn’t work, mostly because he knows it will get under his brother’s skin.

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Does Damon stop feeding on humans?

This injection caused him to crave vampire blood and he would not be able to stop feeding until he had killed. He was later cured, thanks to Enzo, Stefan, and Caroline’s actions. Due to the Other Side collapsing, Damon gave up his life to save his loved ones and this caused Elena, Stefan, and Alaric much grief.

What does it mean when a vampire feeds off a human?

Vampires are higher on the food chain than humans. To feed off a human is to make them prey. For another vampire to willingly offer his/her blood, they are effectively trusting you with their life and willingly taking on the role of prey, even if only for a few minutes. It’s an expression of deep trust.

How do vampires stay alive?

Fresh blood moving through the body allows their flesh to stay alive. Most vampires only need to feed a couple of times a week in order to maintain health, but a wounded vampire will need to feed more often as blood is required for the healing process.

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How often do vampires need to feed?

Most vampires only need to feed a couple of times a week in order to maintain health, but a wounded vampire will need to feed more often as blood is required for the healing process. As a vampire ages, it requires less blood to maintain normal functionality.

Why do vampires have hearts?

Just like humans, vampire hearts beat in order to move the blood through the body. This is why staking a vampire through the heart is an effective way of killing it. Unlike humans, vampires do not eat food for sustenance. In our bodies, food is digested and transformed into energy.