
Who is stronger Belmod or Beerus?

Who is stronger Belmod or Beerus?

You should see the video once again,it was mentioned that belmond defeated beerus in arm wrestling match. Belmond might be physically stronger but beerus is strongest GoD if we compare an all-out match as shown in manga.

Is Belmod the strongest GoD?

Belmod might be the most powerful of the Gods of Destruction. In the anime, Whis actually said that Belmod is more powerful than Beerus. In the manga, Belmod took down Sidra and could damage all the other Gods fo Destruction with Imprisonment Balls and Energy Cards.

Is Belmod stronger than Goku?

, Mostly Power Scaling, Anime & Comics. If Goku or any other characters manages to overpower Jiren’s full strength,then they are Far stronger than Belmod,and therefore can take him on easily.

How strong is Beerus the destroyer?

In a nutshell, how strong is Beerus? With a power level of around three billion at 100\%, he is a king in all sense. It only takes a moment for him to destroy anything and everything, and it just takes a thought to remove something from existence altogether.

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Who would win Belmod or Jiren?

Yes, it is confirmed he is stronger that all gods of destruction. Whis himself states that: So this shows that jiren is stronger than all the gods of destruction, not just belmod. Officially, Jiren is stated to be stronger than Belmod ONLY.

Who would win in a fight Belmod or Beerus?

Deception and trickery definitely seems like the qualities Belmod would be strongest with, but in terms of brute strength, plus the fact Beerus is pretty much more “Ultra Instinct” than everyone else, as far as we know, Beerus would probably win.

Is Beerus stronger than Jiren?

Beerus, using basic ultra instinct is far more powerful than many G.O.D’s. And later it’s clarified that Jiren won an Arm Wrestling match against Belmod. This does not prove that in battle Jiren can take on Belmod. And apparently, Belmod is as strong as Beerus. Thus Beerus can easily beat Jiren in battle.

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Is Jiren stronger than Belmod?

Jiren is said to be the strongest mortal in all the universes. It’s said that Jiren is even stronger than Belmod ( God of Destruction of universe 11). During the tournament, Whis confirms that the rumour of the existence of a mortal stronger than the gods is true.

How strong is Belmod?

Belmod may be strong, but the fact that he had to pull a “Mr. Satan” on us by faking out and pretending to be unconscious indicates Belmod wasn’t confident that he could emerge as the victor. We also don’t know how the arm-wrestling match was structured.