
What happens if we use convex mirror as rear-view mirror?

What happens if we use convex mirror as rear-view mirror?

Convex mirrors are used as rear-view mirrors in motor vehicles because they form virtual, erect and diminished images irrespective of distances of the object. Convex mirror helps the driver to view large areas of the traffic behind him and he can easily detect the vehicle coming or running behind him.

What happens if concave mirror is used as a rear-view mirror?

Answer: Convex mirrors are used in car rear view mirrors as they form a smaller image of the object. Concave mirror on the other hand forms magnified and inverted image of the object. This would form an image of a smaller area and would also inverted which would be hard to understand.

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Why are convex mirrors used as side mirrors for vehicles suppose they will be replaced with concave mirrors what will be the effect?

In the case of concave mirror, images of objects further from the focal point ( R2 from the mirror) will be inverted, which is no good to a driver. For convex mirrors, diminished images means that images appears smaller than the objects, which means that a larger field of vision could be obtained.

Can we get an inverted image of an object if we use a convex mirror?

An inverted image cannot be seen on a plane mirror and a convex mirror. The image will be real and inverted on a concave mirror if the object is placed beyond the focus. If the object location is between the focus and the pole then the image formed is virtual and erect.

Why do we prefer a convex mirror as rear view?

We prefer a convex mirror as a rear-view mirror in vehicles because it gives a wider field of view, which allows the driver to see most of the traffic behind him. Convex mirrors always form an erect, virtual, and diminished image of the objects placed in front of it.

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Why is convex mirror used as side view mirror?

Convex mirrors are used as side view mirrors in a car to see the traffic behind. The image formed in a convex mirror is highly diminished due to which a convex mirror gives a wide field of view of the traffic behind the vehicle.

What are the uses of convex mirror?

Two uses of convex mirror are: (i) It is used as a rear view mirror in vehicles. (ii) It is used as a vigilance mirror. (iii) it is used as a reflector in street lamps.

Why is a convex mirror used?

These convex mirrors are used for cars because they give an upright image and provide a wider field of view as they are curved outwards. The convex mirror is also used to provide safety for motorists on roads, driveways and in alleys where there is a lack of visibility.

Is convex mirror real or virtual?

Plane mirrors and convex mirrors only produce virtual images. Only a concave mirror is capable of producing a real image and this only occurs if the object is located a distance greater than a focal length from the mirror’s surface.

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What type of image is formed by a convex mirror?

virtual and erect
Image formed by a convex mirror is always virtual and erect. When an object is placed at infinity, virtual image is formed at focus and the size of the image is smaller.

How can a convex mirror produce a virtual image?

Convex mirrors always form virtual images because the focal point and the centre of curvature of the convex mirror are imaginary points and that cannot be reached. So the image is formed inside the mirror and cannot be projected on a screen.