
Is there an Avengers Endgame Part 2?

Is there an Avengers Endgame Part 2?

Part 1 was scheduled to be released on May 4, 2018, with Part 2 scheduled for May 3, 2019. In April 2015, Marvel announced that Anthony and Joe Russo would direct both parts of Avengers: Infinity War, with back-to-back filming expected to begin in 2016.

Is Avengers end game really the end?

Avengers: Endgame really is the end of Thanos and the Infinity Saga stortyline, and it is probably the end of Iron Man and Captain America’s appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe — at least for a while. However, it is not the end of the MCU, by any means.

Was Endgame The Last Avengers movie?

No. Well, kind of. Avengers: Endgame is the last movie in Marvel’s Phase Three, which launched in 2016 with Captain America: Civil War. The film wraps up the franchise’s main storylines while promoting other secondary and tertiary characters to center stage in future films and TV shows.

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What happens in Avengers Endgame?

That’s right, Tony Stark dies at the end of Avengers: Endgame after stealing the Infinity Stones back from Thanos and using them to wipe out the Mad Titan and his entire army with a single Snap. The gamma radiation released when he uses the stones is what kills Tony, and he pretty much dies right there on the spot.

What happens to Thor at the end of Avengers Endgame?

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Thor left Valkyrie in charge of New Asgard when he left Earth. Valkyrie joined the final battle against Thanos and, if Thor 4 is announced, she is likely to be a key player in that sequel, but there is no indication Valkyrie joined the Avengers at any point.

Will there be Avengers Endgame sequel?

Ever since Marvel announced its next phase of movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we told you that the studio must be working on an Avengers: Endgame sequel even though there’s no Avengers 5 movie slated in Phase 4. We then heard a few exciting rumors that said the next Endgame -like film might feature a massive crossover with the X-Men.