
Does Endgame make sense?

Does Endgame make sense?

Because Endgame does good work to make sure its rules of time travel make sense, both scientifically and within Marvel Cinematic Universe canon. Those of you who’ve already seen Avengers: Endgame are already aware the major plot point of Endgame involves time travel — that’s how they bring back the “snapped”.

Why Steve Rogers ending makes no sense?

But, in these movies, he does make new friends and connections, like Sam Wilson, and he adjusts to life. He says goodbye to Peggy in a meaningful way, too. Yet, in Endgame, all of this development is forgetten. In fact, he even starts dressing more as he did in the first Avengers movie.

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Why is there anything at the end of Endgame?

Avengers: Endgame was meant to mark the end of an era in the MCU. Due to this, Feige opted to forego a traditional post-credits scene and included sounds of Tony Stark creating his first Iron Man suit.

What happened to Captain America at the end of endgame?

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Steve Rogers travels back in time to return each of the Infinity Stones to the exact moment they were taken by the Avengers earlier in the film. Instead, Steve returns as an old man and reveals that after he went back in time, he spent the next several decades enjoying his life.

Does Back to the Future make sense?

The original Back to the Future is undoubtedly one of the greatest movies ever made – possibly even the greatest science-fiction movie as well. As tightly plotted as the story is, it’s certainly not perfect, and like all time travel movies, some of its inner logic doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense.

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What is the Back to the Future Day?

Oct. 21
Oct. 21 is what’s known as “Back to the Future Day,” during which sci-fi fans of all generations come together to celebrate their love of the iconic Back to the Future franchise and the date Marty traveled to in order to save his kid in the 1989 sequel.

Does ‘Avengers Endgame’ have a post-credits scene?

Avengers: Endgame, the Marvel Cinematic Universe film the company has been building up to for more than a decade now, has no mid-credits or post-credit scenes.

Does endgame have a teaser scene at the end?

The lack of a teaser scene at the very end of the credits. It has now been more than a week since the highly-anticipated Avengers: Endgame hit theaters and honestly, we still haven’t calmed down.

Why do movies have end-credits scenes?

They reward viewers who stick around through the often-lengthy credits, and they’ve become a way to pay off little plot moments by adding a final gag and some form of extra payoff, usually designed to raise questions and keep the conversation going. Avengers: Endgame drops the mid-credits and the end-credits scenes.

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What do you like most about endgame?

Endgame did exactly what it was supposed to do, and that’s perfectly tie up 22 movies and 11 years of work. Iron Man, the hero who started the franchise, sacrificed himself to defeat Thanos and save the universe. Plus, Captain America, The First Avenger, got his happy ending. Or beginning. Time travel is confusing.