
Can you sue someone for losing your stuff?

Can you sue someone for losing your stuff?

Depending on the value of the items you lost, you may be able to sue your friend in Small Claims Court. Your damages (the amount you are seeking to recover in your lawsuit) should include the value of the items you lost and court costs. Court costs would include the court filing fee and process server fee.

Can I sue for damages?

You have the legal right to sue for damages for the amount that it takes to fix or replace your damaged or lost property. If you can’t prove how much you lost, you won’t get awarded compensation for it.

Can you sue for potential damages?

You have not incurred any damage and you cannot sue someone for the risk of potential future injury or loss. A good trial lawyer is not only able to make a strong case when her client is injured, she can also find less obvious losses and injuries her client suffered.

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Can you sue someone for stealing your property?

If you have solid evidence that someone stole your possessions, you can sue them to get your property back or recoup its monetary value. Filing suit in small claims court is the quickest and easiest way if the value of your property comes within the court’s monetary limits. Going to Court Over a Theft

What happens if you forget to prove cost of damage?

Keep in mind that you’ll also have to prove the extent of the damage suffered—the cost to either fix or replace the property—before you’ll receive a money judgment from the small claims court judge. If you forget to prove the cost of your damages, the judge won’t award you anything. Example.

What happens if someone intentionally damages your property?

Not all property damage occurs as a result of an accident. You also have the right to recover money damages if someone intentionally damages your property. Example. Sean and Jemma are neighbors who can’t stand the sight of each other, despite, or perhaps because of, the fact that both are prize-winning rose growers.

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Do you need insurance to sue for property damage?

Insurance and Property Damage. If you own real property (land and structures) that another person or a force of nature damages, it’s unlikely that you’ll turn to small claims court to cover your loss. Virtually all landowners have property insurance to cover such losses.