Tips and tricks

Why does Obi-Wan not like flying?

Why does Obi-Wan not like flying?

So anyway, if you ever wondered why Obi-Wan Kenobi hated flying, here you go. It’s all because of one moment years before TPM, where the autopilot of his ship took over and forced him to helplessly fly at high speeds through the narrow inner-workings of a massive ship. It seems that memory never really left him.

Did Obi-Wan ever pay Han Solo?

The version of the scene that exists in Star Wars: A New Hope that we all know Obi-Wan Kenobi gets Han Solo to take them on their journey by appealing to his greed. They offer him more money than he asked for, but less up front to get him to agree. Han never realizes Luke and Obi-Wan had to play him at the outset.

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Why did Obi-Wan hire Han Solo?

Both Obi-Wan and Luke were good pilots enough to reach Alderan, but they had no ship. They needed something fast and able to slip below imperial attention and they barely had enough money to hire Han to do that.

Is Obi-Wan a good pilot?

Because obi-wan was NOT a very good pilot. He was skilled enough to basically operate a spacecraft, or high perfomance speeder, but he wasnt a hot stick. Anakin was, Plo Kloon was. In combat, He let his astromech do most of the really skilled flying.

What ship does Obi-Wan fly?

Delta 7 starfighter
The Delta 7 starfighter was built specifically for use by the Jedi Order, and is thus also known as the Jedi starfighter. Obi-Wan Kenobi piloted one of these red-and-white ships, which have the sleek, simple shape of an arrowhead.

How much did Obi-Wan offer Han?

Passage to Alderaan Skywalker and Kenobi headed into a cantina to look for a pilot to transport them to Alderaan. Kenobi managed to strike a deal with Han Solo, a smuggler, and his Wookiee first mate, Chewbacca to fly them to Alderaan for 17,000 credits: 2,000 in advance and 15,000 on arrival.

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Was Obi-Wan wealthy?

Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training while still in his infancy.

What did Obi-Wan Kenobi say to Luke Skywalker?

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope. Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi : [ to Luke ] You must learn the ways of the Force, if you’re to come with me to Alderaan. Luke Skywalker : Alderaan?

Why did Han Solo come back to Luke Skywalker?

No. There’s nothing in the film/s that specifically indicate why Han came back other than the exchange that occurs shortly after. LUKE: I knew you’d come back! I just knew it! HAN: Well, I wasn’t gonna let you get all the credit and take all the reward. Luke and Han look at one another, as Solo playfully shoves at Luke’s face.

What is Han Solo’s Ship?

Han Solo : It’s the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs. I’ve outrun Imperial starships. Not the local bulk cruisers mind you, I’m talking about the big Corellian ships now. She’s fast enough for you old man. What’s the cargo? Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi : Only passengers. Myself, the boy, two droids… and no questions asked.

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Why did Han Solo shoot Greedo in the Mandalorian?

Han owes gangster Jabba the Hutt a great deal of money and has a high price on his head. Bounty hunter Greedo tries to deliver Solo to Jabba, dead or alive, but after a failed attempt to extort the money as a bribe for letting him go, Han shoots and kills Greedo. Han then prepares to leave Tatooine.