
Can you run multiple AB tests at the same time?

Can you run multiple AB tests at the same time?

Running multiple A/B tests at the same time can theoretically lead to interferences that result in choosing an inferior combination of variants. Given that from two combinations of variants one has a stronger and opposite sign interaction than the other, it is guaranteed to happen.

How many a B tests can you run at once?

Nelio A/B Testing is able to run more than one test at once. What does it mean? If you test your landing page and your pricing page at the same time for two weeks, you’ll get results faster than if you test one page first for two weeks and then the other one for two additional weeks.

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How long should you run a B tests?

The duration of A/B tests You should run your tests for full weeks at a time and we recommend you test for at least 2–3 weeks. If you can, make the test lasts for 1 (or 2) business cycle(s). This is because, as with emails and social media, there are optimal days (even hours) for traffic.

What is multivariate testing and how it is different from a B testing?

Multivariate testing uses the same core mechanism as A/B testing, but compares a higher number of variables, and reveals more information about how these variables interact with one another. As in an A/B test, traffic to a page is split between different versions of the design.

Is multivariate testing a B testing?

Is multivariate testing the same as AB testing?

What is the difference between AB testing and multivariate testing?

A/B tests and multivariate tests are similar in how they’re conducted. The main difference is that A/B tests look at the performance of just one variable at a time or the overall page whereas multivariate tests are testing multiple variables at once.

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How many users do you need for AB testing?

1000 users will usually work, but 10,000 really will show results.

What is the longest amount of time your split test can run?

For the most reliable results, we recommend a minimum of 7-day tests. A/B tests can only be run for a maximum of 30 days, but tests shorter than 7 days may produce inconclusive results.

What is a good number of concurrent users for a website?

Only by knowing the test cases and additional numbers such as visits and page views per time unit can you a) define a number of concurrent users and b) check each number by means of calculation against the other numbers. Oh, and needless to say that 42 is always a good number of concurrent users…

Is it possible to simulate the number of concurrent visits?

No, of course not – this is where extreme parallelism and the unpredictability of both testing and reality comes into play. If the requirement was the simulation of 1,800 visits per hour and 7,200 page views per hour, we could now randomly pick a think time and by doing so, determine any number of concurrent visits aka users between 2 and x.

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Is it better to run multiple tests at the same time?

According to them, instead of simultaneous tests, it’d be better to combine the tests and run them as MVT.

Why do we run mutually exclusive tests?

Mutually exclusive tests Most testing tools give you the option to run mutually exclusive tests, so people wouldn’t be part of more than one test. The reason you’d want to do this is to eliminate noise or bias from your results.