
What happens if you suppress happiness?

What happens if you suppress happiness?

Suppressing our feelings can lead to exacerbated depression, anxiety, panic attacks and other mental health issues. Since so many of us have been taught to suppress our emotions, we’re trying to cope with life while these feelings are wreaking havoc on our balance and peace.

Why do I fear to be happy?

Sometimes cherophobia can stem from the belief that if something very good happens to a person, or if their life is going well, that a bad event is destined to happen. As a result, they may fear activities related to happiness because they believe they can ward off something bad from happening.

Do you feel anxious that your happiness won’t last?

1. When you do feel happy, you also feel anxious that it won’t last. Happiness is so unfamiliar to some that they don’t trust it. If, when you begin to feel happy, you also feel anxious that something bad is just around the corner, then at some level you believe happiness cannot last, or that it makes you vulnerable.

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Do you feel uncomfortable with happiness?

Fortunately, if you currently feel weird, strange, or uncomfortable with happy feelings, it’s no big deal to feel a lot more comfortable with happiness in just a few minutes. Here’s how to do it. Get rid of the following negative thoughts that make you feel uncomfortable with happiness.

Does Happiness make you vulnerable?

If, when you begin to feel happy, you also feel anxious that something bad is just around the corner, then at some level you believe happiness cannot last, or that it makes you vulnerable. This is unfortunate but common.

How to reduce stress and increase happiness?

Studies have shown that practicing meditation or spending a chunk of time exercising each day can not only lower your stress levels, but it can also make you a more positive individual. Burning off some steam with your best friends can also help reduce anxiety and increase your happiness levels.