
Does Y Combinator work in India?

Does Y Combinator work in India?

India has fast-growing Y Combinator startups that are well funded and hiring for all roles. Find thousands of jobs and connect directly with founders at Y Combinator.

What is Y Combinator India?

Y Combinator created a new model for funding early stage startups. Twice a year we invest a small amount of money ($125k) in a large number of startups. We work intensively with the companies for three months, to get them into the best possible shape and refine their pitch to investors.

How difficult is Y Combinator?

Getting into YC is tough. That rumored acceptance rate of 1.5\% for both the winter and summer programs means competition is tough. But you know what acceptance rate is even lower than 1.5? Zero percent — which is what you’ll experience if you don’t apply.

What is a Y Combinator?

The Y combinator is a formula which lets you implement recursion in a situation where functions can’t have names but can be passed around as arguments, used as return values, and defined within other functions. It works by passing the function to itself as an argument, so it can call itself.

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How do you get selected on Y Combinator?

There are a number of ways to convince investors that your startup has low market risk:

  1. Go after a market / problem they already believe is big enough.
  2. Show them that you’ve talked to people with the problem / have done your research.
  3. Actually make money or get users by selling your product to people who have the problem.

Should I join Y Combinator?

You’ll significantly increase your company’s chance of success. Yes, there are plenty of successful startups who didn’t go through Y Combinator. But I have yet to meet a Y Combinator alumni who does not answer with a resounding “yes” that the program was absolutely worth it for their company.

Is Y Combinator worth?

Well, my answer is: absolutely yes. Absolutely and I would do it over again. Whenever we exit Proof and I start another company, I will strongly consider taking another company through Y Combinator as well. That’s because having that Y Combinator brand opens so many doors.

Does Y Combinator steal ideas?

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How do I know you won’t steal my idea? No, we won’t sign an NDA. No venture firm would at this stage. The informal commitment to secrecy on our application form is more than any VC would make.

How much is techstars?

Techstars takes 7-10\% of your company and only provides $18,000 in seed funding. This gives your startup a pre-money valuation between $180,000 and $250,000. If you are an early stage or established business, this is terrible. The other $100,000 is a convertible note that you may take advantage of at your discretion.

Can you apply to Y Combinator with just an idea?

Q: Can you apply to YC with just an idea? Yes. We accept companies at a wide range of stages into the batch. Cruise, for example, had been working on their idea for just two weeks when they applied to YC.

How many startups have Indian founders in Y Combinator 2020?

Out of these, 30 startups that have Indian founders or are developing products and services for the Indian market. Y Combinator has already closed its applications for its summer batch, which is scheduled for June to August 2020. The last day to submit applications was March 16 (US time zone).

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Is Y Combinator still accepting applications for summer 2020?

Y Combinator has already closed its applications for its summer batch, which is scheduled for June to August 2020. The last day to submit applications was March 16 (US time zone). However, startups are still allowed to submit their applications, but they would have lower chances of getting shortlisted, Y Combinator clarified in a blog post.

How many startups are there in the Winter batch of Y Combinator?

In total, there are 240 startups in the winter batch of Y Combinator. Out of these, 30 startups that have Indian founders or are developing products and services for the Indian market. Y Combinator has already closed its applications for its summer batch, which is scheduled for June to August 2020.

When is Y Combinator 2018?

Y Combinator decided to hold the event virtually on March 23, but later decided to bring it ahead to March 16. Y Combinator hosts its demo day for the shortlisted startups to showcase their products in front of a live audience and pitch it to investors.