Tips and tricks

Why is the drummer always in the back for the band?

Why is the drummer always in the back for the band?

Drummers are usually in the back because their equipment is not mobile on stage, they are traditionally viewed as accompanists, and drum sound acoustically bounces off the back wall.

Why are drummers elevated?

The main purpose of a drum riser is for visibility. By raising the seated drummer off the ground, you will have a clearer view of the drummer as they are normally hidden behind the other band members.

Why do drummers have a screen in front of them?

A drum screen, sometimes referred to as a drum shield or acoustic shield, is a tool used by audio engineers to avoid the sound control problems caused when louder instruments overwhelm quieter instruments and vocals on stage.

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What’s a drum riser?

What is a Drum Riser? It’s simply an elevated platform which the drummer and his equipment sit on to raise them to a fixed height above the floor. The size and height of a drum riser will vary wildly depending on the situation. A lot of risers are available in a 2×2 metre (roughly 6′ 6” square) size.

How big should a drum riser be?

The most common size of drum risers is 2m x 2m, with riser heights of 40cm. A 2m x 2m drum riser is simply 2 each of our standard 2m x 1m portable decks locked together with the ‘C-Clamp’ system.

What is the skin of a drum called?

A drumhead or drum skin is a membrane stretched over one or both of the open ends of a drum. The drumhead is struck with sticks, mallets, or hands, so that it vibrates and the sound resonates through the drum.

Why are drummers on a platform?

Actually, raising drums off the floor helps prevent the bass and sub-bass frequencies of the kick going directly into the floor, which in turn gives the kick a deeper sound. This is the same reason why contrabass (upright basses) and cellos have pegs lifting them off the floor.

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Why do drummers hands bleed?

Most likely, you’re playing with bad technique or perhaps you’ve just been playing for too long and your hands need a break. In any case, bleeding hands isn’t something to be proud of. It’s indicative of a novice drummer. Develop a good technique and you won’t have to worry about this.

Why do drum kits have a perspex shield around them?

They’re known as drum screens or drum shields and they serve an important purpose. Drummers play behind a drum screen because it disallows the sound of the drums and cymbals from entering microphones that are meant for other instruments. This means that the drums won’t overpower other instruments or vocals.

What does the term drumhead mean?

Definition of drumhead 1 : the material (such as skin or plastic) stretched over one or both ends of a drum. 2 : the top of a capstan that is pierced with sockets for the levers used in turning it.

What is the role of the drummer in a band?

The drummer’s role is to play time first and foremost, in my opinion, and the rest of the band rely upon that time. I do feel, however, that every player in a band should have good time (no excuses) but the drummers time should be the best and be the one the rest of the players play to.

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Why is the drummer not grooving or listening?

We all know if the drummer isn’t grooving or listening because the whole band sucks… even if they might have the best guitarist in the world. That guitar player can make it feel even better but if the fundamental feel isn’t good then “game over” and that feel comes from the drums.

Do bands with two drummers need two drum kits?

Groups like Genesis, The Allman Brothers Band, and James Brown successfully toured with two or more drummers for years, and it’s something many bands still imitate to this day. But there are also situations where having two drummers doesn’t exactly mean two drum kits.

Who played drums on one way out with the Allman Brothers?

Watch the Allman Brothers Band play “One Way Out” with Jaimoe and Trucks on drums at Fillmore East in 1971. In fact, in 1991, The Allman Brother’s Band added a third drummer, percussionist Marc Quinones.