
How did they do the nose cut in Chinatown?

How did they do the nose cut in Chinatown?

The scene where Roman Polanski slits Jack Nicholson’s nose was extremely complex to film, and the two men involved got so tired of explaining how it was done (by using a specially-constructed knife with a short hinge that would be safe as long as it was handled VERY carefully) that they began to claim Nicholson’s nose …

Why does Jack Nicholson say as little as possible at the end of Chinatown?

I believe the last line Jake says under his breath in Chinatown is “as little as possible.” It refers to his time as a cop in Chinatown when he was told to do “as little as possible” because cops in Chinatown were on the take and looked the other way as part of the deal.

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What was Jack Nicholson paid for Chinatown?

One of Jack’s biggest early paydays came in 1974 when he earned $500,000 for Chinatown. That’s the same as around $2.6 million in today’s dollars. In 1975 he earned a base salary of $1 million for Cuckoo’s Nest. He was also given 15\% of the gross which by 1978 brought his total payday from the movie to $15 million.

Is Jack Nicholson in every scene in Chinatown?

Jack Nicholson (Jake Gittes) is present in every scene of the film. Screenwriter Robert Towne was originally offered $125,000 to write a screenplay for The Great Gatsby (1974), but Towne felt he couldn’t do better than F. Scott Fitzgerald novel and accepted $25,000 to write his own story, “Chinatown,” instead.

Did Roman Polanski act in Chinatown?

A sequel, The Two Jakes, was released in 1990, again starring Nicholson, who also directed, with Robert Towne returning to write the screenplay….Chinatown (1974 film)

Theatrical release poster by Jim Pearsall
Directed by Roman Polanski
Written by Robert Towne
Produced by Robert Evans

What was Jack Nicholson’s last line in Chinatown?

Forget it, Jake, it’s Chinatown
The great film noir Chinatown (made by Roman Polanski in 1974) ended with a suitably bleak and cynical last line when an associate of the Los Angeles private detective JJ Gittes (Jack Nicholson) says of the corruption in 1930s Los Angeles: “Forget it, Jake, it’s Chinatown.”

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What does Gittes say at the end of Chinatown?

Movie lovers are happy Polanski got his way. The film ends there, with one of cinema’s most famous last lines: “Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.” Clearly, Jake will never be able to forget what happened there. Neither will we.

Was there a sequel to Chinatown?

The Two Jakes

The Two Jakes. The sequel to Chinatown (1974) finds J.J. “Jake” Gittes investigating adultery and murder, and the money that comes from oil.

Who cut Gittes nose in Chinatown?

5. POLANSKI ALMOST DIDN’T DO HIS CAMEO BECAUSE HE DIDN’T WANT TO CUT HIS HAIR. The director cast himself in the role of the bow-tied thug who slices Gittes’ nose.

What does Jake Gittes say at the end of Chinatown?

The film ends there, with one of cinema’s most famous last lines: “Forget it, Jake. It’s Chinatown.” Clearly, Jake will never be able to forget what happened there. Neither will we.

What went wrong with Roman Polanski’s Chinatown?

Although Polanski knew that was wrong, he liked it and kept it. 4. The cameraman was replaced. One of the most gorgeously shot films of its time, Chinatown was started by cameraman Stanley Cortez. The look of it was wrong. He was replaced by John Alonzo. The rest is cinematic history.

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What was Roman Polanski’s greatest achievement?

Roman Polanksi, who’d already made Rosemary’s Baby and Knife in the Water, considers it his greatest achievement. 13. Polanski didn’t want to do it at first. When Nicholson told Polanski about Towne’s script, it meant Polanski’s return to Los Angeles.

What happened to Roman Polanski’s wife Sharon Tate?

Four years earlier, Polanski’s pregnant wife, Sharon Tate, and several of his friends had been butchered in L.A. by the “family” of a notorious scumbag, still rotting away in prison. 14. The voiceover was cut. An early version of the script has a great deal of narration by Nicholson’s character, J.J. Gittes.

Why did Roman Polanski write the final scene in the Exorcist?

According toPolanski, he wrote the final scene the night before it was shot, because he had a “falling out” with screenwriter Towne. 19. The director says the writer now loves the ending. Polanski says that Towne has since said that “the final approach” was right for the film.