
Is denying military service illegal?

Is denying military service illegal?

Employees and job applicants with military or veteran status now qualify for state law protection under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), which makes it unlawful to discriminate against or harass a person on the basis of either military or veteran status.

Can you be forced to serve in the military?

If you’re ever drafted into the army, then you could be called a conscript, someone who is forced to join the military. As a verb, conscript means “force to join,” like a military that conscripts new soldiers.

Is serving in the military a legal obligation?

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U.S. law has long made military service an obligation, and one that can be constitutionally required of every adult (including non-citizens). That is why it is the deepest obligation of citizenship.

Is military service a protected class?

California Governor Jerry Brown (D) has signed an amendment to the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”), Cal. Code § 12920 et seq., to include military or veteran status as a class protected from employment discrimination.

Can you be forced to go to the army?

Conscription, sometimes called the draft in the United States, is the mandatory enlistment of people in a national service, most often a military service. Conscription dates back to antiquity and it continues in some countries to the present day under various names.

Do service members have rights?

In reality, military members enjoy the same rights that civilians do, if not better. You should know that any person subject to the UCMJ who suspects someone of an offense must advise the suspect of his/her rights under Article 31 of the UCMJ.

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Can you serve someone who is deployed?

It is impossible to effect service of process on military personnel deployed to a hostile or foreign location, due to security and privacy concerns. Moreover, the Service Members Civil Relief Act stays all proceedings until the member returns from deployment.

Would mandatory military service be unconstitutional?

Mandating national service violates the constitution and would infringe on the freedom to choose what to do with our lives. The 13th Amendment to the US Constitution states, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for…

What are the arguments against mandatory military service?

1. Violates Free Will. One of the arguments raised against mandatory military service is that it violates people’s rights to exercise free will. No one has the final say whether they should participate or not in the military training and enter the army since it is a compulsory mandate implemented throughout the country.

Do you have the right to refuse service?

While the right to refuse service is not a get out of jail free card allowing businesses to turn away people they don’t want to serve, there are some valid reasons for asking customers to leave.

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Does mandatory military service violate our rights to exercise free will?

One of the arguments raised against mandatory military service is that it violates people’s rights to exercise free will. No one has the final say whether they should participate or not in the military training and enter the army since it is a compulsory mandate implemented throughout the country.

Is it illegal to refuse service to people with disabilities?

The Americans with Disabilities Act also prohibits discrimination in public accommodations, making it illegal to refuse service to individuals who are disabled or handicapped. When Can You Refuse Service?