
What does extending probation mean?

What does extending probation mean?

The purpose of extending a probationary period is to allow the employee further time to improve his/her performance in order to demonstrate competence in the full range of duties and required behaviours. Extensions can be granted for a maximum of two further months, to cumulate in a maximum of eight months’ probation.

How do people fail probation?

There are a wide range of reasons why people fail their probation: absences and poor time management are common complaints, and cultural issues like personality clashes are also amongst the more common problems. Improving the quality of management is one half of the equation.

What should you do if an employee fails probation?

To help you out, we’ve outlined the steps you need to take if you think your employee is going to fail probation. First of all, you should arrange a catch up to speak with them informally. This should take place a few weeks before their probation period is due to end.

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What happens at the end of your probation period?

Arriving late to work on a regular basis is a sure-fire way of getting laid off at the end of your probation period. It gives your boss the impression that you’re not taking your new job seriously.

Can you let an employee go after their probation period?

It’s not as simple as letting someone go during or after their probation period. You need to make sure you’ve followed the steps above to protect yourself from any unfair dismissal or discrimination claims, but also to ensure you’ve given your new employee a fair chance to improve and show that they can do the job.

What should you not do during your probation period?

Your bosses will be monitoring your efforts closely during your probation period, so it’s important to show them that you’re a responsible, hard-working employee. If you have access to a computer, don’t use it to look at your social media accounts. If you’re required to go to corporate social events, don’t get excessively drunk.