
Is a blog in chronological order?

Is a blog in chronological order?

A blog is a list of posts arranged in reverse chronological order, with the most recent post first and the oldest one last.

What is reverse chronological order in blog?

In a nutshell, WordPress orders blog posts in reverse chronological order. This basically means that how your posts appear on the front-end depends entirely on when you published them. This example sums it up well: On the back-end interface, we have the option of sorting posts by both the post date and the post title.

What is the default order of display of posts on the homepage?

By default, blogs display posts in reverse chronological order on the home page with the latest post at the top.

How do I make a blog post in chronological order?

Simply edit the post you want to reorder and on the post edit screen click on the publish date under the Document panel. This will bring up a date and time popup where you can change the post’s published date and time.

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How do I organize my posts on Blogger?

Labeling Blog Posts

  1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard and select the blog you want to edit.
  2. Mouse over the post you want to add categorized subheaders to and then select “Edit.” Click “Labels” on the right side of the Blogger interface.
  3. Press “Done” when you’re finished adding your categories.

How do I organize my WordPress blog?

Here’s what you can do to better organize your WordPress:

  1. Site Structure. The Menu is as good a place as any to start tidying up your WordPress.
  2. Review Categories and Tags.
  3. Create Internal Links In Your Blog Posts.
  4. Check for Broken Links.
  5. Clean up the Database.

How do I change the order of my blog posts on Blogger?

But this article describes displaying your posts in this way by manipulating their post dates. And it links to an article about some other possible options. Previously I’ve discussed the options for giving your blog a home page.

How do I organize my blog?

How to organize a blog post while writing

  1. Break down your mind map into three major categories: Ideas, In-Progress, and Published.
  2. Unique perspectives or strategies you’d like to cover on your blog.
  3. Specific case studies, images, research, charts or other information that can add credibility to your post.
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Can you backdate a blog?

To Backdate your post, click on “EDIT POST” option and on the right hand MENU BAR, choose “SCHEDULE”. Through it, you may put any past date of your choice for that particular post and that date will now be displayed as the DATE OF POSTING.

How do I organize my WordPress blog posts?

How do you organize parts of a blog?

How to Successfully Organize and Plan Blog Content

  1. Have a plan for your month.
  2. Get post ideas together.
  3. Stick with a schedule.
  4. Plan and research content.
  5. Pre-write content headings.
  6. Find credible external links.
  7. Include relevant internal links.
  8. Prep affiliate links.

How do I write my first blog post?

The only thing you are supposed to do with your first blog post is to find a topic your audience is interested in and do your best to write an insightful post about it. It doesn’t need to be wowing. You’ll learn things down the way. The more blog posts you’ll write, the better you’ll get at it.

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How do I get better at writing blog posts?

The more blog posts you’ll write, the better you’ll get at it. It’s important that your first blog post is relevant. And the better it is, the better for the growth of your blog. If you’re just throwing away random blog posts without thinking overall, you’ll keep your blog in place.

How do I find good topics for a blog post?

Look over your competitors’ posts. Make sure to check the sidebar on a blog because, usually, the best performing posts are displayed there. Read the comments on other blogs and find out what people are looking for. Now’s the time to use a blogging tool like Trello while you’re looking for topics ideas so you keep everything organized.

What are the best notes tools for bloggers?

Evernote – This is the most popular notes tool. And it can be used for a variety of reasons like keeping track of your lists, notes, plans, and even thoughts. It also makes for a great tool to write your blog posts in. It’s simple and you can keep all your blog plans, topics ideas, blog posts, and research in one place.