Why did Alexander cross the Gedrosian desert?

Why did Alexander cross the Gedrosian desert?

Alexander’s campaign Following his army’s refusal to continue marching east at the Hyphasis River in 326 BCE, Alexander the Great crossed the area after sailing south to the coast of the Indian Ocean on his way back to Babylon.

Why did Alexander returned from India?

He therefore spoke to his army and tried to persuade them to march further into India, but Coenus pleaded with him to change his mind and return, saying the men “longed to again see their parents, their wives and children, their homeland”. Alexander, seeing the unwillingness of his men, agreed and turned back.

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Where did Alexander the Great turn back and why?

Alexander the Great turned back during their invasion of India, at the Hydaspus River. There, he defeated King Porus, but his military campaign had…

Why did Alexander did not conquer India?

Thus, when the soldiers heard of Alexander’s plan, they refused to march further. The king had no choice but allowed them to march back home. Above were what Greek accounts told about the situation in the Greek camp. A mutiny that resulted from a sharp plunge in morale stopped Alexander from conquering India.

Why did Alexander march through Gedrosia?

Alexander heard these old stories; they inspired him to go one better than Cyrus and Semiramis, and that was the reason, combined with the hope of being able to keep contact with the fleet and procure supplies for it, why, according to Nearchus, he marched by that route.

How did Alexander return from India?

Deciding upon his return, Alexander ordered the construction of twelve huge altars “equal in height to the loftiest military towers, while exceeding them in breadth; to serve both as a thanks offering to the gods who had led him so far as conqueror, and also to serve as monuments of his own labours.” Leaving the land …

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Why Alexander is called Alexander the Great?

359-336 BCE) who became king upon his father’s death in 336 BCE and then conquered most of the known world of his day. He is known as ‘the great’ both for his military genius and his diplomatic skills in handling the various populaces of the regions he conquered.

What is your option Alexander had to turn back?

During the Indian invasion, Alexander’s army had to suffer severe hardships. The army was also away from home for a very long time so the soldiers were eager to go back. Therefore, they rebelled, against Alexander and he was forced to go back to Greece.

When did Alexander invade India?

326 BC
Alexander Invasion of India In 326 BC, Alexander invaded India, after crossing the river Indus he advanced towards Taxila. He then challenged king Porus, ruler of the kingdom between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab.

How long did it take Alexander the Great to travel Gedrosia?

Arrian says that it took Alexander sixty days to traverse Gedrosia from east to west. The capital of Gedrosia was Pura, in the west of the province (Arrian, Anabasis 6.24.1).

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When did Alexander lead his men through the Gedrosian desert?

In the autumn of 325, Alexander led his men through the Gedrosian desert.

Why did Alexander the Great choose the route to conquer India?

[6.24.2] Alexander did not choose that route because he was unaware of the difficulties it would involve ( Nearchus is our one authority for this); he chose it because, apart from [the legendary queen] Semiramis on her retreat from India, no man, to his knowledge, had ever before succeeded in bringing an army safely through.

Who described the coast of Gedrosia?

The coast of Gedrosia was described by Nearchos, Alexander’s admiral, whose account has partly survived in Arrian’s Indica (pp. 20 ff.). Southern Baluchistan is still a sparsely populated area.
