
Is Phantasy and fantasy the same?

Is Phantasy and fantasy the same?

use fantasy and phantasy, in spite of their identity in sound and in ultimate etymology, tend to be apprehended as separate words, the predominant sense of the former being ‘caprice, whim, fanciful invention’, while that of the latter is ‘imagination, visionary notion’.

What is a Phantasy in psychology?

Abstract. The term ‘phantasy’ may be used by psychoanalysts to mean an imaginative fulfillment of frustrated wishes, conscious or unconscious. This approximately condenses what is generally seen as Freud’s main use of the term.

Why is it spelled Phantasy?

In psychological writing, the spelling phantasy is often used to differentiate the Kleinian concept, which represents an innate unconscious process, from the related Freudian concept fantasy, which is conscious and deliberate.

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What is fantasy for Freud?

Freud uses the term “fantasy”, then, to denote a scene which is presented to the imagination and which stages an unconscious desire. The subject invariably plays a part in this scene, even when this is not immediately apparent. The fantasized scene may be conscious or unconscious.

What is the Phantasy?

1 : the power or process of creating especially unrealistic or improbable mental images in response to psychological need an object of fantasy also : a mental image or a series of mental images (such as a daydream) so created sexual fantasies.

What is meant by Phantasy?

What does Phantasia mean?

The Greek word phantasia is usually translated “imagination.” However, in Greek thought the word always retains a connection with the verb phainomai, “I appear.” It can be used to refer both to the psychological capacity to receive, interpret, and even produce appearances and to those appearances themselves.

What is Phantasy according to Klein?

In Kleinian theory unconscious phantasies underlie every mental process and accompany all mental activity. Phantasy is the mental expression of both libidinal and aggressive impulses and also of defence mechanisms against those impulses.

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What is Phantasy in psychology?

Phantasy is a state of mind of an infant child during the early stages of development. They are largely unconscious in that they are not differentiated from conscious reality. In their early, pre-linguistic existence, infants differentiate little, if at all, between reality and imagination. Phantasies stem from genetic needs, drives and instincts.

What is the correct spelling of fantasy?

Definitely Fantasy. Phantasy is an archaic spelling, currently used for stylistic purposes. SF. SF. fantasy | phantasy, n.

Where do phantasies come from?

Phantasies come from instincts that border physical and psychical activities and are thus experienced both physically and mentally. For example a child who sucks its thumb is enacting the phantasy of feeding. Satisfying experiences are re-enacted internally through phantasies.

How do phantasies satisfy instincts?

Phantasies satisfy instincts by converting them into ideas and images. Hunger leads to a phantasy of an object that can satisfy it. Phantasies come from instincts that border physical and psychical activities and are thus experienced both physically and mentally. For example a child who sucks its thumb is enacting the phantasy of feeding.