
Why did the ancient one give banner the stone?

Why did the ancient one give banner the stone?

The film is clear that no matter what they did in the past. The past for the Avengers where Thanos won happened. She gave up the Stone because She trusted Dr Strange to give it up to allow this future where Banner goes back in time, to happen.

What does the collector want with the Infinity Stones?

The Collector wants it for its rarity and collectability, not the things he could do with it. He wasn’t going to go try take over the galaxy with reality warping power. So, he was a good choice. The only question was his ability to safeguard it.

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Was the Ancient One aware of Thanos?

The Ancient One may have known about Thanos’ existence and perhaps even been aware that he was seeking the Infinity Stones, like many other beings no doubt, but she wouldn’t have had any foresight of his ultimate victory or how rapidly he filled up the spaces in his gauntlet, and this partly accounts for why she trusts …

What Does the Collector have in Guardians of the Galaxy?

The Collector actually had two Krylorians, as his servant Carina – who killed herself by grabbing the Infinity Stone and blowing up the museum – replaced his previous Krylorian slave, seen shackled in a case.

How did the six Infinity Stones come about?

Sometime after the universe exploded into existence, these were formed into the six Infinity Stones by the Cosmic Entities. Each stone represented a different aspect of the universe (Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Time, and Soul).

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Why did Thanos want the Infinity Stones in the first place?

One of the greatest feats of power ever to be seen from the use of the Infinity Stones was their power to turn living beings into dust. Such power alone was the true motivation for Thanos to seek out the Infinity Stones in the first place.

What are the Infinity Stones in Marvel Comics?

The Infinity Stones were six immensely powerful gem-like objects tied to different aspects of the universe, created by the Big Bang . Only beings of immense power can directly wield the Stones, such as Celestials, and the Mad Titan Thanos.

What does the time stone do?

The Time Stone allows its user total control over the past, present and future. Its most basic ability grants its user visions of possible futures, and the power to stop and rewind time. It allows time travel, control over the age of beings and also be used as a weapon by trapping enemies or entire worlds in unending loops of time.

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