Tips and tricks

Why does Dr Strange wear gloves in Thor: Ragnarok?

Why does Dr Strange wear gloves in Thor: Ragnarok?

One reason why the golden gloves from the comic book are only present in the post-credits scene of Doctor Strange and in Thor: Ragnarok is because Stephen Strange frequently needs access to his hands to be able to use the Sling Ring.

Why is Thor in chains at start of Ragnarok?

So, as he says, he was there to get his answers and to cancel the upcoming destruction of Asgard. He made it easy to become a prisoner of Surtur on purpose to get his answers. So he tricks Surtur into telling how Ragnarok can happen and he just gets out of the chains to stop it.

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Why does Hela ignore the Tesseract?

Perhaps she doesn’t have the right tools In order to use the space stone to transport her and her entire army on a conquest of the Nine Realms, perhaps she would need to build something else (other than the Tesseract) to utilize the space-stone’s powers.

What happened to Dr Strange hands?

Strange didn’t lose hand exactly, but they were almost destroyed during Strange’s car crash. They were impacted serverly by nerve damage, he lost the ability to control them. That’s how he stumbles across his new magical lifestyle, as he tried everything and every doctor to try and regain the control over his hands.

Is there Doctor Strange in Thor Ragnarok?

Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme, appears in Ragnarok, as the post-credits scene to his debut film promised he would.

How tall is Surtur at the end of Thor Ragnarok?

Towering at 18 feet tall, Surtur is an imposing presence with writhing and crusted magma flesh, created entirely with keyframe animation.

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Who destroyed Asgard in Thor Ragnarok?

Demon Surtur
The Destruction of Asgard was the result of the Fire Demon Surtur being released by Loki in the achievement of the doomsday prophecy known as Ragnarök, which had been figured out by Thor as the only way to kill Hela before she could lay waste across the Nine Realms and beyond.