
How do you keep your mistress interested?

How do you keep your mistress interested?

You’ll need to talk to her most of the time to make sure she doesn’t get cold feet. Regular calls and messages are necessary to keep her interested and to keep her from thinking too much about why she’s better than this and should find someone who respects her and has more to offer. Don’t get too attached.

How do I make him leave his wife?

How to Get a Man to Leave His Wife for You:

  1. Stop having sex with him. The sex is amazing.
  2. Stop talking to him on the phone. Your conversations are amazing.
  3. Stop gracing him with your presence. Some women truly believe that if they stop seeing their lover, he will forget them and never leave his wife.
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Do mistresses ever feel envious of their lover’s relationship?

There’s no doubt that a mistress feels envious that her lover’s relationship with his wife is not a secret to the world like hers most likely is. One thing that many mistresses crave more than anything is validation that her relationship with her lover is real.

Why do mistresses hang on to their husbands?

Hanging on to an affair in hopes that a man will leave his wife is something many mistresses do, and if there are years that pass by, she becomes more invested in the relationship, and also more comfortable within the lie. The affair becomes her normal.

Do mistresses ever feel jealous of their husbands?

If a woman has become a mistress and she knows that her lover is married, then most certainly she feels jealous. She feels jealous every time he walks out the door. She knows he is going home to another woman. She knows her lover has another life at his home which she will never be a part of.

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Do mistresses ever feel guilty?

Some mistresses will never feel guilty about this while others won’t feel guilty in the beginning but over time they will. Maybe she saw a photo of you and your family and she feels as though what you guys are doing is wrong. Once she gets that guilty feeling, you’ve lost her forever.