
How does divorce affect you emotionally?

How does divorce affect you emotionally?

It is perfectly normal to feel angry, sad and emotionally exhausted and that you will feel, frustrated, and confused. These feelings will be particularly be intense in the first days and weeks after the split. You also may feel frightened about your future. Accept that these feelings will lessen over time.

Can God use me after divorce?

God still loves you even if divorce is your reality. God is close to the brokenhearted and heals those who are crushed in spirit. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like a second-rate Christian because of divorce.

What is the spirit of divorce?

The spirit of divorce begins when a couple turns critical toward his or her spouse. That is right. It starts as a seed. Divorce doesn’t happen overnight but grows by tolerating a willingness to be critical rather than supportive of one’s mate.

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Why is it that divorce occurs?

With the prevalence of divorce in the land, we need to wonder, “Why is it that divorce occurs?” The spirit of divorce begins when a couple turns critical toward his or her spouse. That is right. It starts as a seed. Divorce doesn’t happen overnight but grows by tolerating a willingness to be critical rather than supportive of one’s mate.

What’s it really like when a marriage dissolves?

Experts share what it’s really like when a marriage dissolves. When you hear the word “divorce,” there’s a handful of images that probably come to mind—two adults arguing, a sad kid or two stuck in the middle, and maybe even a contentious courtroom battle. But when a marriage ends, it’s far more complex than that.

How does divorce affect your mental health?

Divorce can severely impact your mental health —not because you feel sad that things didn’t work out with your ex, but because it tends to ratchet up your anxiety levels. “You don’t have a companion in the big, bad world anymore, and the future that you once pictured no longer exists,” explains Walfish.