
Why do people say you are so quiet?

Why do people say you are so quiet?

When they say you’re being quiet it’s more about them than you. They’re looking for reassurance. They may be a little too talkative, and get uncomfortable if everyone isn’t chatting constantly. Again, it’s more about them than anything you’re doing wrong.

What to say if someone calls you quiet?

30 Clever Responses For When People Call You ‘Too Quiet’

  • “ You are loud enough for the both of us.” —
  • “ Nobody plans a murder out loud.” —
  • “ That’s because you can’t hear me screaming inside.” —
  • “ I have this feature where I don’t need to say every thought that goes through my head.” —

Why do people always ask why are you so quiet?

Below are some of the most common reasons why people question your silence: They are worried something is wrong or that you are not OK. They are worried that you don’t like them. Your silence makes them uncomfortable.

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Why do some people ask me why I’m silent?

like the person who is asking why one is silent is the one who is pretty much concerned about what’s going on in their head. So in order feel at ease they try to strike up a conversation or simply want to be sure they are not getting judged.

What does it mean when someone says You’re a quiet person?

When people point out that you’re quiet they usually don’t mean anything malicious by it, even if they are blurting out their thoughts in an insensitive way. They may simply find your quietness curious. They may have no problem adding to conversations themselves and have a hard time understanding why someone else could be different.

What happens when someone gives you the silent treatment?

If you’re on the receiving end of this kind of treatment, you might feel completely ostracized. People who use the silent treatment as a means of control want to put you in your place. They’ll give you the cold shoulder for days or weeks on end to achieve those goals.

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Is it bad form to be quiet in social situations?

Anything that makes someone feel that way obviously isn’t good form, which means that when a person points out you’re being quiet, they’re the one making a social mistake. Hopefully that knowledge will help you feel more self-assured and like you’re on the right side when you apply the ideas above.