
What does it mean when you get a friend suggestion?

What does it mean when you get a friend suggestion?

Facebook checks your friends list and looks for mutual friends. These mutual friends are shown as suggestions on your timeline. For example, your siblings friends could be people you know. So they will be shown as “friend suggestion” on your timeline.

Why do you get friend suggestions on Facebook?

In its help section, Facebook says its suggestions are based on “mutual friends, work and education information, networks you’re part of, contacts you’ve imported and many other factors”. Honestly the “People You May Know” section on Facebook needs a trigger warning.

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How do I ask a friend for suggestions?

Tips for Asking Advice From Friends

  1. Choose the right person to ask.
  2. Be clear about what you want.
  3. Understand your friend’s bias.
  4. You may get advice you weren’t expecting.
  5. Know that family dynamics can make things tricky.
  6. Consider positive and negative bias.
  7. Do your homework first.
  8. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Is a friend suggestion the same as a friend request?

Friend suggestions can be created by the fact that you have mutual friends, that you share common interests, because you have been looking at someone’s profile but not sending a friend request, or because they have been looking at your profile and not sending a friend request.

Why is it necessary to ask for a suggestion?

We ask suggestion from the others due the following reasons. The solution we have about the problem is not satisfying us. We ask suggestion because we think that someone who have more information about the topic can give us some best solutions (not necessarily).

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What is the difference between request and suggestion?

is that request is to express the need or desire for while suggest is to imply but stop short of saying explicitly.

What happens when you ask a friend for advice?

When friends ask for advice, they may not specifically want guidance. Often, they need someone to listen and be supportive. Some people have difficulty accepting advice. They may be in denial and refuse any suggestions, even when they had asked for help.

What does it mean to ask for a suggestion?

ASKING AND GIVING SUGGESTION. Suggest means to present a suggestion that is to introduce or propose an idea or a plan for consideration; Suggestions are abstract and can be in form of solutions, advice, plan, and idea. Suggest means to propose a plan. It can be accepted or refused.

What are Facebook friend suggestions?

Facebook friend suggestions and invitations to join Facebook — whether emailed, or suggestions when signed in to Facebook — are nothing more than what I’d characterize as very educated guesses. Become a Patron of Ask Leo! and go ad-free! Here’s one way I think this happens: Your friend “Tom” sends you a friend request, which you ignore.

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What is the main aim of getting suggestions from friends?

When people start trusting a person they feel comfortable in sharing their thoughts and concerns.The main aim of getting suggestion is to get the best solution for their unsolved problems.Our friends try to get suggestion and gather all the information for seeking better option or decision