
Is planet cracking possible?

Is planet cracking possible?

It is implied that planet cracking operations are potentially very destructive, as it can result in significant disruptions of the planet’s gravity and geology, possibly rendering it uninhabitable.

What year is it in dead space?

October 14, 2008
Dead Space/Initial release dates

How do you make a world cracker Stellaris?

First you must research the Titans technology (which requires Battleships), then you take the Colossus Project perk, then you must complete the research project for the colossus, after which you must build a colossus assembly yard on a starbase with shipyards, and then you can start work on your colossus.

What happens to Earth in Dead Space?

Dead Space is set in 2508 [note 1]. Earth has gone through an extinction-level event, caused by rapacious and unsustainable use of resources. The remaining humans realized that the only way to gain the resources to survive would be to search new planets for resources.

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How are Necromorphs created?

Necromorphs are mutated corpses, reshaped into horrific new forms by a recombinant extraterrestrial infection derived from a genetic code etched into the skin of the Markers. The resulting creatures are extremely aggressive and will attack any uninfected organism on sight.

Who owns the Dead Space IP?

Electronic Arts
Dead Space is a science fiction/horror media franchise created by Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey, developed by Visceral Games, and published and owned by Electronic Arts….Dead Space (franchise)

Dead Space
Original work Dead Space
Owner Electronic Arts
Years 2008–present
Print publications

How old is Isaac Clarke?

49 years old
Even though Isaac is actually 49 years old, he is biologically 47 or 48 due to the effects of Stasis containment during his three years on the Sprawl.

How do you make juggernaut Stellaris?

The Juggernaut will be unlocked by a technology which requires Citadels and Battleships to be already researched. A Starbase will also need to have a Colossal Assembly Yard in order to be able to construct one. The Colossal Assembly Yard is required for (and unlocked by) both the Colossus and the Juggernaut.

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Will Dead Space get remastered?

However, EA has finally confirmed that a remake is now in the works. After leaks began surfacing that the popular franchise is making a comeback, we now have our first official information to go off. Here’s everything we know about the Dead Space remake.

What was Dead Space 4 going to be?

Dead Space 4 is reportedly ‘a full remake’ inspired by recent Resident Evils. It’s claimed that EA has warmed to the idea of producing another single-player game after the recent success of Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. EA said in July 2020 that Jedi Fallen Order game had surpassed 10 million unique players.

What is planet cracking?

Planet cracking was a term used to describe when a planet was literally cracked open to be mined for valuable resources. The first step of planet cracking was determining a planet rich with the desired minerals and ores via extensive surveying.

What is a planet cracker class?

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Planet crack was a term used to describe when a planet was literally cracked open to be mined for valuable resources. It was known that a large chunk was broken off with powerful gravity tethers and brought inside a “Planet Cracker Class” ship where it was stripped and its ore content was studied.

How did the CEC’s planet cracking work?

The mining vessels used gravity tethers to pull massive sections of the planet up to be processed from within the vessel’s mining deck. Over the history of the CEC’s planet cracking endeavors, only one operation of three dozen met with less than optimal results.

How do they break up a giant asteroid?

Once ready, tethers onboard the colony and a “Planet Cracker-class” ship in orbit are used to break off the massive piece which was hauled into space and brought inside the ship where it was stripped and its ore content was studied.