
How is the road from Bangalore to Nellore?

How is the road from Bangalore to Nellore?

Distance Between Bengaluru to Nellore

Distance between Bengaluru to Nellore by Road is 384 Kms
Travel Time from Bengaluru to Nellore by Road is 7:50 hrs
Nearest Airport in Bengaluru Kempegowda International Airport (12.97, 77.59)
Nearest Airport in Nellore Tirupati International Airport (14.44, 79.99)

How can I go to Nellore from Bangalore?

You can reach Nellore from Bangalore by travelling in a train. Bangalore to Nellore train takes approximately 8 h 54 m. You can catch a train from Bangalore and get down at Nellore. The price of the train ticket is approximately Rs.

Which is the best route from Bangalore to Coimbatore?

Route 1: Distance and Time taken from Bangalore to Coimbatore via NH 44 & NH 544. This is the shortest and best route to travel between Bangalore and Coimbatore. It is also the fastest, because the traffic on this route is regular and there are no road closures.

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How can I go to Nellore?

Visitors to Nellore can take a flight till Tiruparti Airport, the nearest airport to Nellore. However, as limited flights serve Tirupati Airport, one can take a flight till Chennai from anywhere in India to go to Nellore. Private and prepaid taxis are available for Nellore from Chennai Airport.

What is Nellore PIN code?

Nellore/Zip codes

Are buses running from Nellore to Bangalore?

Nellore is located at a distance of approximately 389 km from Bangalore. Currently, 34 bus operators are running more than 114 buses on this route….

Nellore to Bangalore Bus Distance
Distance : 385 Km
Time Taken : 6 hrs
Total Operators : 37

Is Epass required to travel from Coimbatore to Bangalore?

After the Ministry of Home Affairs wrote to the states that there cannot be restriction on inter and intra state movement, Karnataka decided to change the rules. This would mean that those travelling to Karnataka from other states like Tamil Nadu will not need to register on the Seva Sindhu portal or require an e-pass.

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Is Nellore a district?

Nellore district, officially Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore district, is one of the thirteen districts in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. According to the 2011 Census, the district’s population was 2,966,082, of which 29.07\% was urban.

How big is Nellore?

57.54 mi²

How many platforms are there in Nellore?

Nellore railway station

Line(s) Delhi–Chennai line Howrah–Chennai main line Vijayawada–Chennai section
Platforms 4
Tracks 8 5 ft 6 in (1,676 mm) broad gauge