
Why does it make me so mad when people are late?

Why does it make me so mad when people are late?

Late is when people start getting annoyed. They get annoyed because your lateness betrays a lack of respect and consideration for them—and so they get more annoyed, and more quickly, if they are (or think they are) your social or hierarchical superiors.

What does it mean if someone is always late?

Punctual people may believe that late people are passive-aggressive and that their time is more valuable than those who wait for them. But reasons for lateness are generally more complex. The reason may be the opposite of arrogance. It could be that they don’t value themselves enough.

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How do you not get mad at someone late?

If you don’t like it when people are late, ask them about it. Don’t berate them, don’t call them names, and don’t rant about it online. Ask them if they’re aware it’s a problem. Explain to them how it frustrates you.

Is it wrong to be angry all the time?

It’s not always wrong to get angry. It depends how you show your anger and react when angry. In fact, if it’s a matter of some hormones that increases in your body as a reaction on an unpleased event, that means what happening is too important to you and you’re urged to react and your body is aware of it.

What do you say to someone who is always late?

Most people will tell you they got a late start, hit traffic or some other white lie…and apologize for being late. At that point you can say, “I understand things happen. Next time would you mind texting or calling to let me know you’re running late so I don’t worry?” If this person is late again, they should call.

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Why is the other person chronically late?

When you say the other person is chronically late because they don’t value or respect you, you’re probably right. They don’t respect you. They don’t even like you. You’re not a nice person. Because you call them rude, selfish, stupid, and arrogant.

Why are some people so late on their commitments?

When trying to explain why some people are chronically late or tend to flake on commitments at the last minute you’ll often hear opinions such as, “They’re so selfish and inconsiderate. They think their time is more valuable than yours”, “They’re just doing it to have control over the situation.