
How do I convince my parents to buy me a snake?

How do I convince my parents to buy me a snake?

How to Convince Your Parents to Get a Snake

  1. 1) Know What You’re Talking About.
  2. 2) Talk About Why Snakes Make Better Pets.
  3. 3) Continue Sharing What You Learn.
  4. 4) Address Their Concerns.
  5. 5) Show Them That You’re Responsible.
  6. 6) Adopt a Friend’s Snake.
  7. 7) Be Open to Making a Compromise.

What is the best snake for a kid to own?

The Top 10 Best Snake Pets to Own

  • Ball Python.
  • Western Hognose Snake.
  • Rosy Boa.
  • Garter Snake.
  • Milk Snake.
  • Gopher Snake.
  • Carpet Python. Like the children’s python, carpet pythons are native to Australia, but that is where the comparison stops.
  • Children’s Python. The first pet snake on our list is the children’s python.
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How much does it cost to own a small snake?

Pet Snake Cost Table

Snake Species How Much They Cost
California King Snake $30-$80
Ball Python $40-$1,500+
Corn Snake $50-$500
Hognose Snake $60-$500

Where can I pet a snake?

Regardless of where you are petting your snake, it’s important to remember that snakes should always be pet in the direction going from their head to their tail. You should never pet your snake against the direction the scales naturally sit as this can be uncomfortable for them.

What is the friendliest snake breed?

Corn snakes
Corn snakes are thought to be the most friendly snakes and they are certainly the most commonly owned. This is because they are very widely available and extremely easy to care for. They are also proven to be the most friendly and docile snake breed.

Is it hard to own a snake?

Most snakes sold as pets are easy to handle and are usually not aggressive. Although certain species of snakes commonly kept by serious reptile collectors have a naturally aggressive nature, these species tend not to show up often in the general pet trade, so they are not typically available in pet stores.

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How to convince your parents to let you have a snake?

Avoid pestering or getting impatient as a “yes, you can have a pet snake” from them may not come immediately. Making someone like snakes isn’t easy, but the following examples may change your parents’ minds: Snakes are low-maintenance especially when it comes to hygiene as they defecate once every two weeks and urinate once a week.

Are snakes good pets for kids?

Snakes, such as the ball python and corn snake, are docile and low-maintenance pets. However, parents shy away from letting their children have one as many moms and dads are afraid of snakes.

How do I get rid of my dad’s snake problem?

You and your Dad need to speak to your Ma together, if you can’t get the snake – see if you can spend time looking after snakes at a local animal sanctuary/zoo. I know this isn’t the answer you are looking for but stop.

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How can I convince my mom to let me get a pet?

Revisit the idea a few weeks later with your mom to see if you can sway her to let you have a pet. During this time, fulfill all your responsibilities at home and be a model child to convince your mom to let you get a small pet. If you mom says no, then it’s okay.