
How far would the Earth be from the Sun if the Sun were the size of a basketball?

How far would the Earth be from the Sun if the Sun were the size of a basketball?

If the Sun was a Basketball Since the average Earth-Sun distance is about 150 million km, this bead would sit about 25 m away from the basketball. That’s approximately half the width of a football field (and also apparently twice the height of a brachiosaurus – thank you, internet).

How does the size of a planet correlate to its distance from the Sun?

It is a unit of length equal to the average distance from Earth to sun, approximately 149,600,000 kilometers (92,957,000 miles). Only Earth can be assigned AU 1. Planets farther away would have AU greater than 1; planets closer would have AU less than 1.

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What is the size of Neptune and its distance from the Sun?

2.8 billion miles
Size and Distance From an average distance of 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion kilometers), Neptune is 30 astronomical units away from the Sun. One astronomical unit (abbreviated as AU), is the distance from the Sun to Earth.

How big would the Sun be if the Earth was the size of an atom?

If Earth had the diameter of a ground state hydrogen atom, using the bohr radius, the Universe would be about 7.3 million kilometers wide. That is a sphere with a diameter approximately 5.25 that of the sun.

How does distance from the sun affect the size and composition of the planet?

Generally, planets closer to the sun are rocky (Mercy, Venus, Earth, Mars), whereas planets further away are made of gasses (Juptier, Venus, Uranus, Neptune) because as the planets formed, the planets closer to the sun had their gasses were stripped away due to the heat of the sun, whereas planets slightly further away …

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How does size and distance from the sun influence the path of a planet?

The closer the planet is to the Sun, the greater the pull of the Sun’s gravity, and the faster the planet orbits. This model fails in that objects in stable orbits do not fall into the Sun.

What is the size of Neptune?

15,299 mi

How far away is the Sun from Neptune?

Neptune’s orbit at this scale would be about 700 meters from the football sized Sun. The Sun achieves a luminance of 1.6 × 10 9 c d / m 2 at noon on the surface of the Earth. Our football size sun would need to achieve the same luminance at our scaled Earth 23m away.

How many lumens is a football size Sun at noon?

The Sun achieves a luminance of 1.6 × 10 9 c d / m 2 at noon on the surface of the Earth. Our football size sun would need to achieve the same luminance at our scaled Earth 23m away. That is the source would need to produce 4 π ( 23) 2 × 1.6 × 10 9 ≈ 10 13 lumens.

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How big is the Sun compared to a football?

Assuming we mean an association football whose circumference is between 68cm and 70cm, the Sun has a circumference of 4.4 million kilometres, so the scale factor is about 1:6.4 billion ( 10 9 ).

What is the size of Jupiter on a football field?

Jupiter is the largest of the planets, spanning nearly 1.75 millimeters in diameter on our football field scale. Jupiter’s diameter is about equal to the thickness of a U.S quarter in our shrunken solar system. Saturn is on the field at 19 yards from the goal line.