
How much money do I need per day in Turkey?

How much money do I need per day in Turkey?

You should plan to spend around TRY434 ($32) per day on your vacation in Turkey, which is the average daily price based on the expenses of other visitors. Past travelers have spent, on average, TRY135 ($9.87) on meals for one day and TRY67 ($4.85) on local transportation.

What is a good salary to live in Istanbul?

If you are getting paid above 25,000 TL per month, you may happily live in Istanbul. If you are getting paid between 15,000-25,000 TL per month, than you may live in Istanbul not so good and not so bad. If you are getting paid below 15,000 TL per month, than you may live in Istanbul in unhappiness and stress.

What is the average cost of living in Turkey?

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General Monthly Estimate Using the assumption that you own your own property and don’t have rent or a mortgage to pay, the cost of living in Turkey is approximately 3.500 TL for a decent lifestyle but rising to 7.000 TL in big cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir.

Is it worth moving to Turkey?

Turkey is a brilliant value-for-money destination and many expats find that their income lasts longer in Turkey and buys them more than in their home country. This is because, on average, the cost of living in Turkey is lower than in most Western countries and Turkish prices come as a pleasant surprise to expats.

Is it affordable to live in Turkey?

Undoubtedly, the cost of living in Turkey is a driving factor that helps expats decide whether they should move here permanently. The age-old saying that money makes the world go around is definitely true when it comes to our lifestyle choices, but Turkey can be a surprisingly cheap place to live.

Is Turkey a cheap place to live?

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How much does a student need to live in Turkey?

2. Student living costs in Turkey. As an international student, you can live in Turkey with a budget of 400–650 EUR per month. This is much more affordable when compared to other study destinations in the world.

Is life easy in Turkey?

A lot of countries around the world that have a high quality of life also have a very strict and complicated process of obtaining a residency. Turkey, on the contrary, being a developed country, made it extremely easy to become a resident and settle here.

What are the pros and cons of living in Turkey?

In general, Turkish people love teaching others about their language and culture, which makes it easier. On the cost of living: Depending on where you live in Turkey, the cost of living varies greatly. Cities in the southwest and west tend to cost more. Where I live, Adana, is considered one of the most affordable cities to live in.

How much does it cost to live in Turkey?

The average cost of an apartment in a new building is around 950-1400tl ($150-$230 USD), depending on whether it’s furnished or not. On personal safety: Turkey is safer than what the media depicts. There are some political and social issues but in my day to day life, I feel very safe.

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What is it like to be an expat living in Turkey?

The expat communities there are large and being touristic cities they offer in terms of a social life. On living in Turkey as a black woman: There aren’t many black people in Turkey and as a black person here you stand out.

How safe is Turkey for travel?

On personal safety: Turkey is safer than what the media depicts. There are some political and social issues but in my day to day life, I feel very safe. On the best places for expats to live in Turkey: Despite being a little bit more costly I think cities like Istanbul, Izmir, and Antalya are really good for expats.