
What is the percentage increase in the area of a rectangle if the sides are increased by 20\%?

What is the percentage increase in the area of a rectangle if the sides are increased by 20\%?

So, we have found the percentage increase in area as 44\%. So, the correct answer is “Option c”.

What happens to the A perimeter and B area of the rectangle if you double its length and breadth?

If length and breadth of a rectangle are doubled then its perimeter too is doubled.

What is the percentage change in area of rectangle?

Ans. Increase in the area of the rectangle is 44\%. After 20\% increase in Length and Breadth, (120/100*L)*(120/100*B) = 144/100*LB . Hence, increase in area = 144/100*LB – LB = 44/100*LB = 44\% Ans.

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What will happen to the perimeter of a rectangle?

Answer: Perimeter increases by a magnitude twice that of initial length. So we can conclude that the perimeter increases by a magnitude twice that of initial length.

What is the percentage increase in the area of a rectangle?

The percentage increase in the area of a rectangle, if each of its sides is increased by 20\% is: 32\% 34\% 42\% 44\%

What is the formula to find the perimeter of a rectangle?

To find the perimeter of rectangle we add the lengths of its sides. Thus, the perimeter of a rectangle with the length of a a and the width of b b is P = a + b + a + b = 2 × a + 2 × b = 2 × (a + b) P = a + b + a + b = 2 × a + 2 × b = 2 × (a + b)

How do you find the length and width of a rectangle?

where a a and b b are the length and width of the rectangle, respectively. Length of Diagonal of Rectangle Formula: The diagonal of a rectangle is determined by the following formula d = √a2 + b2 d = a 2 + b 2 where a a and b b are the length and width of the rectangle, respectively.

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How to find the center of symmetry of a rectangle?

The center of symmetry is the point of intersection of its diagonals, O O. The distance around a rectangle is called the perimeter of the rectangle. It is usually denoted by P P . To find the perimeter of rectangle we add the lengths of its sides. Thus, the perimeter of a rectangle with the length of a a and the width of b b is