
Why do people find Shakespeare difficult to read?

Why do people find Shakespeare difficult to read?

Some readers find Shakespeare’s writing difficult because the English language was different at that time. It is not because of ignorance or illiteracy. The only reason is that many words have changed their meanings over these centuries.

Is William Shakespeare difficult to read?

Shakespeare has a reputation for being highly academic these days… but in his own time, Will was considered pop culture. It takes a few tries to get used to the old fashioned grammar, but once you do, Shakespeare is not so hard to read. It can actually be easier to read verse, because you fall into a simple rhythm.

Why is archaic language hard?

A problem with writing in archaic diction is that many people do not understand the old wordings for familiar concepts. While archaism is always present in old writings and poetry, they typically require translation into modern language for readers to understand.

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Is Romeo and Juliet difficult to read?

Romeo and Juliet is a book about two “star crossed lovers” who fall in love with each other at first sight. I will admit it’s hard to read this book but, with some help from your English teacher you will be able to read it by act 3. Shakespeare is very poetic but, is like a rapper in many ways.

What is the easiest Shakespeare?

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream” Probably the most performed, and generally acknowledged as the most accessible Shakespeare play, it’s the perfect example of his comedy, in both senses of the word.

What is the easiest Shakespeare books to read?

Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth are pretty easy. There have been SO many adaptations of the play, so when you are reading, it’s easier to follow. If you are a beginner, then checkout Spark Notes while reading because Shakespearean English is difficult.

How do you read Shakespeare?

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How to read Shakespeare for pleasure

  1. Ignore the footnotes. If your edition has footnotes, pay no attention to them.
  2. Pay attention to the shape of the lines. The layout of speeches on the page is like a kind of musical notation or choreography.
  3. Read small sections.
  4. Think like a director.
  5. Don’t worry.

How do you talk like Shakespeare?

Tips For Talking Like Shakespeare

  1. Instead of “you,” say “thou.” Instead of “y’all,” say “thee.” Thy, Thine and Ye are all good pronouns, too.
  2. Rhymed couplets are all the rage.
  3. Men are “sirrah,” ladies are “mistress,” and your friends are all called “cousin.”

How hard is it to learn Shakespeare?

Shakespeare’s not hard, but people assume the “language” is. As Nicole said, it gets easier the more you read it and you find the natural flow that makes it seem, well, natural. I think it’s great that your kids know the stories at a young age.

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Why is Shakespeare so easy to read?

Shakespeare is quite easy, being a man so engrossed in human nature and expressing it, he naturally sought a way hard of criticism to display his view on these emotions, creating characters not as points, but them and their actions as merely events to make their flaws obvious.

Why do kids hate Shakespeare so much?

Because their teachers do a bad job with Shakespeare. Shakespeare is hard to read. However, it’s not worse than many other things that kids have to read at some point in their education. Because it has this reputation, however, kids start with a belief that Shakespeare is hard, boring, or simply not something meant for ‘someone like them’.

Why is Shakespeare so difficult for non-native English speakers to understand?

Shakespeare is especially difficult for non-native English speakers to comprehend, because the language and culture are foreign to them. Remember that Shakespeare’s play’s were meant to be performed on the stage not read in a textbook.