Tips and tricks

What should we not do in IIT?

What should we not do in IIT?

Below we have pointed out 5 things that a student should not do while IIT JEE Preparation.

  • Do not Show Disinterest During Lectures:
  • Don’t become a bookworm:
  • Do not waste your leisure time.
  • Do not cut your sleep and be overambitious:
  • Keep distance from negative people:
  • Don’t give up:

What are the problems in IIT?

Funding and teacher vacancies are not the only two pressing problems at the IITs. Some of them are also unable to fill seats. In 2017, the number of vacant undergraduate seats rose to 121, compared to three in 2014, though it is a minuscule fraction of 11,000 new seats added last year.

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What should I do at IIT?

Career Options After Cracking IIT JEE Exam

  • Engineering Related Career Options. After cracking IIT exams, you can make your career in the engineering sector.
  • Data Analytics. Data analyst is also known as a data scientist.
  • Education Sector.
  • Public Sector Union and Other Government Jobs.
  • Research & Development.

Is getting IIT easy?

The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) are among the most difficult schools in the world to get into. The University of Oxford accepts one out of five applicants. IITs take in just one out of 50.

What should I do in case of not having qualified for IIT?

In my opinion, one should not think much in case of not having qualified for IIT. Do not get bogged down by what people say. Do not consider to be a failure. Just focus on your goal and look out for better option. Also, do not run away from the reality and rather work yourself through it.

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Is it possible for everyone to get into IITs?

But it is not possible for everyone to make it to the IITs. Among 13 lakh students who appear the JEE Main, only 10 thousand students manage to secure themselves seats in IITs. This should make you think: What If You Could Not Get Into IIT?

Are all IIT graduates offered such high salary packages?

Not all IIT graduates are offered such high salary packages. Around 40\% of the students are offered an average salary package of Rs. 4 lakh to Rs. 8 lakh per annum. Most of the people forget that salary packages do not depend upon the brand name but on one’s own capabilities and knowledge in a certain field/job.

Are there any people who did not clear the IIT JEE?

There are a lot of people who did not clear IIT JEE but excelled in their respected fields. There are also a number of people who did very well in Engineering Exams but chose a different career option. Click here to know more about these people