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How did Thanos get the Gauntlet from Asgard?

How did Thanos get the Gauntlet from Asgard?

In Infinity War, Peter Dinklage’s Eitri reveals that Thanos came to Nidavellir and forced the Dwarves to make a device that would help him harness the power of the Infinity Stones — thus, the Infinity Gauntlet was born. Thor tells Eitri that Asgard was destroyed (i.e., Thor: Ragnarok happened).

Where did Thanos take the Gauntlet?

In Thor: Ragnarok, Hela declares the Infinity Gauntlet in Odin’s vault to be a fake. Avengers: Infinity War reveals that Thanos had the dwarves of Nidavellir forge the Infinity Gauntlet for him so that he could wield the power of all six Infinity Stones.

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Who takes the Gauntlet from Thanos?

8 SPIDER-MAN In a comical way, Peter steals the Gauntlet off of Thanos’ hand. He uses the Gauntlet to rewrite the timeline and bring back the dead superheroes again.

Why is there a Fake Infinity Gauntlet in Asgard?

After all this, Kevin Feige talked about how the Gauntlet in Odin’s vault was originally mostly just an easter egg, but also gave an in-universe explanation for Odin having a fake Infinity Gauntlet; essentially that Odin was pretending to have it so people on Asgard wouldn’t worry about it being used against them.

Does Odin know about the Infinity Stones?

As the theory posits, Odin learned about the Infinity Stones from his father Bor, who snatched the Reality Stone from the Dark Elves. From there, Odin hid the Space Stone on Midgard, a.k.a. Earth, and he probably knew where the Reality Stone was since his father had once possessed it.

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How many Infinity Gauntlets does Thanos have?

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has confusingly introduced TWO Infinity Gauntlets for Thanos to use but now we know which one is real. ***Spoiler Warning: This article includes revealing plot details of Thor: Ragnarok***

How many Infinity Gauntlets are there in Thor Ragnarok?

Thor: Ragnarok answers one of our biggest unanswered Marvel Cinematic Universe questions of how and why there are two Infinity Gauntlets and it does so just in time for Avengers: Infinity War. As it turns out, only one is real.

Did you spot the Infinity Gauntlet in Thor’s treasure room?

Warning: SPOILERS for Thor: Ragnarok are ahead! If you were keeping an eye out for Easter eggs when watching 2011’s Thor, you no doubt noticed that one of the prizes in Odin’s treasure room was the Infinity Gauntlet.

Is the Golden Glove actually the Infinity Gauntlet in Thor?

See, the shiny golden glove we saw back in 2010 at SDCC and the year after in Thor isn’t actually the Infinity Gauntlet. It’s as much a prop to Odin and Asgard as it is to fans and Marvel in real life. The real Infinity Gauntlet in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is actually with its wielder, Thanos.