
Which number is equal to its cube but not equal to its square?

Which number is equal to its cube but not equal to its square?

Answer: -1 is one such number which is equal to its cube but not to its square.

Is there a number which is equal to its cube?

Thus, the natural number 1 is equal to its cube.

What is a number whose cube is equal to the number itself but its square is not equal to the number itself?

Answer: ‘-1’ is the number whose cube is the number itself but it’s square is not equal to the number itself. Hope it helps you!

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Is cube and squared the same?

Square is multiplying a number 2 times by itself and cube is multiplying a number 3 times. And in case of shapes. Square is 2-Dimension and Cube is 3-Dimensional figure.

Which negative number is equal to its own cube?

According to the question, -1 is eqaual to its own cube.

What is the cube of 27000?

Answer: The cube root of 27000 is simply 30.

Is there a real number that is 1 more than its cube?

So, no, it doesn’t. And if we note that any polynomial equation of odd degree has at least one solution in the reals then we are assured that this equation has a solution. So there is at least one real number that is one more than its cube.

How many no cubes are from 1 to 1000?

There are 8 perfect cubes between 1 and 1000.

What number is square and cube?

The square numbers up to 100 are: 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81 and 100. A cube number is a number multiplied by itself 3 times. The cube numbers up to 100 are: 1, 8, 27 and 64. Cube numbers can be depicted as three dimensional cubes.

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Is cube of a negative number is always negative?

A negative number’s cube root will always be negative Let’s look at a perfect cube example because it’s easier to write out. Cubes always involve multiplying a number by itself three times, so if the number is negative the cube will always be negative (and if the cube is negative, its cube root has to be negative too).

Is cube of a negative number always positive?

Cube of a negative number is always negative.

What is the number whose square root is equal to its cube?

In the same way 1⅓=1 and 1³ is also 1. therefore 1 is the number whose square root is equal to its square and cube root is eqaul to its cube. Seniors using loophole to save for retirement.

Is there a number that is equal to its cube but NOT-1?

Yes there is a number which is equal to its cube but not equal to its square, only one number that is -1. x (x^2) = x; for this to be true]

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What is the cube root of 0 and 1?

The cube root and cube of 0 is equal to square root and square of 0. The cube root and cube of 1 is equal to the square root and square of 1.