
Is it normal for an 18 year old to be scared of the dark?

Is it normal for an 18 year old to be scared of the dark?

Turns out that fear is pretty normal—experts say being scared of the dark is actually a fairly common thing among adults. According to clinical psychologist John Mayer, Ph. D., author of Family Fit: Find Your Balance in Life, fear of the dark is “very common” among adults.

Is it normal for a teenager to be afraid of the dark?

Fear of darkness and night often starts in childhood between the ages of 3 and 6. At this point, it may be a normal part of development. It’s also common at this age to fear: ghosts.

Is it normal for a 17 year old to be afraid of the dark?

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Being afraid of the dark is a very common complaint among young children and one worth addressing. Helping a child overcome this fear can give them confidence that they can face other fears in the future. Some children develop a fear of the dark without any specific reason.

Do fears change with age?

As we age, we produce much less adrenaline, which can cause racing hearts and dizziness. This means the intense fears we may have experienced in youth no longer trouble us as much. However, older people often experience a greater sense of vulnerability, so things like heights or big crowds become more of an issue.

How do I overcome my fear of the dark?

7 Tips to Overcome Fear of the Dark

  1. Discuss the fear. Listen carefully to your child, without playing into their fears, to see if you can identify a trigger.
  2. Be Aware of frightening images.
  3. Switch on the light.
  4. Teach breathing techniques.
  5. Offer a transitional object.
  6. Set up a sleep-promoting environment.
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Why are we afraid of the dark?

Through evolution, humans have therefore developed a tendency to be scared of darkness. “In the dark, our visual sense vanishes, and we are unable to detect who or what is around us. We rely on our visual system to help protect us from harm,” Antony said. “Being scared of the dark is a prepared fear.”

How can I help my child not be scared?

Tips for Comforting a Fearful or Nervous Child

  1. Do Be There. For many children, your presence will help calm them.
  2. Don’t Be Too Involved.
  3. Do Get Moving.
  4. Don’t Avoid Activities.
  5. Do Talk It Out.
  6. Don’t Overly Reassure.
  7. Do Allow For Expression, Even If They Can’t Explain Their Worries.
  8. Don’t Get Impatient.

Is it normal to be afraid of the dark as an adult?

While being afraid of the dark may be a part of normal development in young children, that is not the case for older children and adults. Nyctophobia is an age-inappropriate fear of darkness that can prompt someone to limit their activities, avoid certain situations, and experience anxiety in anticipation of there being no light. 1

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Is your child scared of the dark?

All kids are scared of the dark, and it’s important to help them overcome that fear. There can be a phase in your child’s life when bedtime can become stressful for them.

When does fear of the dark become a phobia?

Nyctophobia, or fear of the dark, is one of the most common specific phobias in children. Between the ages of 6 and 12, many kids are afraid of the dark, but this is a normal stage of development and not a phobia. Adults also can retain a bit of fear of the dark throughout life. Learn when this fear becomes a phobia and how it can be treated.

Why am I so scared of the Dark at night?

Lack of security and confidence can play into this as well, especially if you tend to be afraid of the dark more often while alone.