What if Theon didnt betray?

What if Theon didnt betray?

TLDR; If Theon didn’t take Winterfell, Bran and Rickon would still be alive, Freys and Boltons would have no reason to betray Robb, and there would be no Red Wedding.

Why did Theon betray the Starks?

Theon went to parlay with his father and to hopefully secure an alliance between him and Rob Stark. Upon arriving home he was barely considered a greyjoy, which hurt Theon. To prove himself to his blood family, he betrayed his “brother” Rob Stark.

Does Theon hate the Starks?

Theon is highborn, but never felt like the Starks (other than Robb) truly excepted him. He resented the fact that he was a hostage when he thought himself more as a ward. I would think Ned was the type of man who thought of him as a ward and not a hostage.

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Why did Jon Snow hate Theon?

Jon resented Theon’s legitimacy and higher political status and his ability to have a relationship with Robb predicated on them being social equals. Theon resented that Jon was a Stark by blood if not by legality, and envied Jon’s actual brotherly relationship with Robb.

Did Theon love the ROS?

Theon sneaks Ros into his chambers, where they both undress and have sex. He notices that she is wearing a Lannister lion pendant and she tells him that it was a gift from Tyrion. Though Theon denies it, his face implies that he has grown to love her.

Who killed Ramsay Snow?

Ramsay is killed by Sansa in Season 6, but sadly, Ramsay was a sign of things to come. As soon as he exited the stage, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss brought in another heavy, who is clearly meant to bring the same level of brutality and savagery.

Does Theon Greyjoy really want to be a stark?

Even if Theon really wanted to be a Stark, in the end, Robb never would have allowed it. Despite Theon belonging far more in Winterfell than in the Iron Islands, Robb would never have let Theon do as he wished. After Jory Cassel is murdered in King’s Landing, Theon wants to go with Robb to avenge him.

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What happens to Theon Greyjoy after he betrays Robb?

Theon, after betraying Robb to his father, Balon, goes even farther by traveling to Robb’s (and Theon’s) home of Winterfell and taking it for the Iron Islands. Not only does he take it but, even after being betrayed by his own men, Theon never even considers returning to Robb’s service.

What did Theon do to Bran in the forest?

When the Wildlings find Bran in the forest outside Winterfell it is Theon who rescues Bran by shooting the Wildling holding him. However, Robb is not pleased with Theon’s actions. He yells at his so-called “friend” and “brother” reprimanding him because he might have hit Bran instead.

Was Theon Greyjoy always the ward of Winterfell?

Theon was always the ward at Winterfell, never the guest, cousin, son, or even friends. The fact that he was kidnapped, basically, by Robb’s family kept the pair from ever being able to form real bonds of friendship and trust. Theon Greyjoy was always Theon Greyjoy.