What course can I study with English biology chemistry and physics?

What course can I study with English biology chemistry and physics?

Microbiology: Subject Combination: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and either Physics or Mathematics.

What can we study if we take pure science?

Student can opt any subject in science such as Physics,Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics etc….Career options based on the degree :

  • Analytical chemist.
  • Chemical engineer.
  • Healthcare scientist, clinical biochemistry.
  • Forensic scientist.
  • Pharmacologist.
  • Research scientist (physical sciences)
  • Toxicologist.

What subjects should I study to become a scientist?

When choosing your science degree you’ll need to decide whether you want to study a broad subject, such as biology, chemistry or physics, or a more specialist subject. If you’ve got a specific career in mind, think about which degree will give you the best grounding for this job.

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Should I take biology or chemistry or physics first?

Biology gives you the overview of living things, then chemistry gets into why the living things live. Physics gets into an explanation of electricity, magnetism, and forces involved in the working world around us. This seems to be the logical flow in most schools I have been involved in. I took biology first.

Should I Specialise in physics or specialise?

A general physics, biology or chemistry degree usually offers a broad overview of the subject at first and then you can specialise later on in the course. Or, if you’re interested in a particular area but you still want to keep your options open, you can often study a broad subject alongside a specialism, such as physics with medical physics.

Why don’t more scientists study chemistry and biology work together?

That’s because these disciplines are very distinct from one another, making any comparison a real “apples and oranges” dilemma. The world’s most celebrated physicist, for instance, may make a good biologist. And the world’s leading biologists may make for very poor chemists.