
How much time should you wait between Instagram posts?

How much time should you wait between Instagram posts?

Allow at least 3 hours between posts. “Too many updates” is the #1 reason people unfollow Fan Pages.

Is it bad to post twice on Instagram?

It is generally recommended to post to your Instagram feed 2-3 times per week, and no more than 1x per day. Stories can be posted more frequently.

Is it good to post on Instagram back to back?

Not only is this kind of behavior considered spammy, but posting multiple times in a row can cause you to get penalized by the Instagram algorithm, meaning your posts will be shown to fewer people!

Should I post a reel everyday?

Instagram recommends you do 5-7 Reels per week. I don’t think you need to do one every day, BUT the ratio of Reels that actually took off on my account to the amount that I did is small (so posting them often is important).

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When is the best time to post on Instagram?

This means if you are promoting an event, you should not wait until the day of to post. Instead, plan to post five to 10 days beforehand to allow your followers the chance to see it prior to the event.

How many Instagram posts should you post a day?

For Instagram, keep your in-feed posts to no more than one per day. Much like Facebook, it’s important to take note of when your followers are online and plan your content to be posted during these peak times.

How long should you wait between messages on Instagram?

You need to keep those under 12-14 an hour, with a 350 – 400-second break between each one. There is no publicly known limit for DMs, but trusted accounts can expect to spend anywhere from 50 to 100 DMs/day. For new accounts, for the first 12 to 20 days, you need to wait 36-48 seconds between any actions.

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Do you lose engagement when you post more posts on Instagram?

You can see in Plot 2 that as the number of posts increases, so does the daily engagement rate. So while you might be losing engagement for each individual post, you’re actually getting more engagement overall. In this instance, doubling the posting rate per day provides a 1.61x increase in engagement per day.