
How do I get rid of raccoons in my garage attic?

How do I get rid of raccoons in my garage attic?

Try soaking some rags in Apple Cider Vinegar or ammonia and putting them in a plastic bag. Proceed to poke holes in the bag to let the smell escape and then hang it next to their den entrance. You can also use dirty kitty litter in a plastic bag if you do not readily have Apple Cider Vinegar available.

How do I get raccoons out of my ceiling?

How to use raccoon eviction fluid:

  1. Get on the roof and seal up all points of entry except the main one.
  2. Place a tablespoon of eviction fluid at main entry.
  3. Give mother raccoon a few days to remove her kits.
  4. Place a wadded newspaper at the main entry to identify if raccoons have left the attic.
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How do you get a raccoon to move?

Wait until all raccoons have left before sealing up the final entrance. To urge a raccoon with young out of a den that is under your house, deck or in the attic, place a small battery operated radio set to a talk station into the den as well as a light. This disturbance will cause the raccoon to relocate her young.

Do raccoons go in garages?

Stuff the entrance hole with balled up newspaper or tape two sheets of newspaper over the hole. If the paper is still in place after three days, check the garage visually to make sure the raccoons are gone. Put ¼-inch wire mesh over the entrance hole until you can repair it permanently.

How small of a hole can a raccoon get through?

3″ to 4″
Step 1) Prevent Access It is a little known fact that adult raccoons can fit through an opening as small as 3″ to 4″ in diameter. To prevent access, you should inspect the home or structure for all possible openings, and then seal them off.

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How do you attract a raccoon out of hiding?

HSUS recommends a combination of “light, noise and smell” to convince them to leave on their own accord. This includes shining bright lights into their hole, playing loud music (from a speaker or portable radio) and putting out a bowl of cider vinegar or a few ammonia-soaked rags to make their den smelly.

How do you get rid of raccoons in your garage?

Take a sealed container and pierce it several times to make air holes. Then simply soak some rags in ammonia, place them in the container and situate your raccoon repellent by their nest. If you are unable to locate the nest then consider spreading ammonia-soaked tennis balls throughout your garage.

Does ammonia repel raccoons?

Raccoons won’t urinate near their dens, so the smell of ammonia can cause them to vacate the premises. Experts recommend putting ammonia-soaked cloths into a sealed container pierced with air holes so the smell will escape into the garage or shed and permeate the air.

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Why do raccoons make a den in your garage?

Raccoons make a den in your garage because they want somewhere safe, quiet and warm to breed. Once the babies are grown (usually by end of summer), the family may leave and the baby raccoons go on to start an independent life. It is also very common for these animals to have multiple dens.

Why do raccoons keep coming into my house?

Someone may have left a door open, or the raccoons may have found another way in. They’re smart, crafty and can squeeze into small spaces, so it may not be anyone in the family’s fault. Raccoons can also be very persistent, so putting up a barrier over one way in may inspire them to find another.