
What do you say when someone thanks you too much?

What do you say when someone thanks you too much?

13 Ways to Respond to Thank You

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. You’re very welcome.
  3. That’s all right.
  4. No problem.
  5. No worries.
  6. Don’t mention it.
  7. It’s my pleasure.
  8. My pleasure.

Is saying thank you too much a bad thing?

He might begin to feel pressure to respond with, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” or “It’s fine, I loved having you.” The fact is, over-thanking can negate the whole purpose of a thank-you: to make the other person feel good. Instead, you may make him feel uncomfortable or embarrassed.

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Why does someone always say thank you?

#2: People feel appreciated and loved. When you say ‘thank you’, people develop a feeling that they have done something to help you. This gives them inner happiness. Saying ‘thank you’ is the simplest way to say ‘I appreciate you’. People also feel more motivated when they are appreciated and praised.

Is Thanks a ton correct?

In American English, thanks a ton is atypical in written form. I have heard it spoken, not too often though. As others said, thanks a lot, or thanks a million, or thanks a bunch or even thanks much would be spoken and understood more often. Any of those would be informal but not slang usage in written American English.

Can you be overly thankful?

Indeed, it’s possible to overdose on gratitude, research has found. In work ​out of​ the University of California–Riverside, for example, psychology professor​ Sonja Lyubomirsky​ and colleagues found that people who wrote in a gratitude journal once a week for six weeks experienced a boost to well-being.

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Is Thanks a lot Formal?

Thank you is slightly more formal. If you want to emphasize your gratitude, or be very polite, you can say Thanks a lot, Thanks very much, Thank you very much, or Thank you so much: Thank you for your kind words. ‘You’re looking well.

Is Thanks a ton informal?

informal A set phrase expressing a lot of gratitude to someone for something.

How to respond to ‘thank you’ when someone says Thank You?

When someone says, ‘thank you,’ the most obvious way to respond is by saying, ‘you’re welcome.’ But, returning the sentiment in the same way over and over again can often feel disingenuous. So if you find yourself searching for a better way to answer, maybe even Googling ‘how to respond to thank you’ we’ve got […]

How many times can you say thank you too much?

As Richard Urwin says, you can’t say thank you too often! If both you and the other person have mutually done something nice for one another, then “Thank you too” is good. If you alone have done the favour, then “You’re welcome” is better.

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How do you say thank you a lot in a sentence?

Excuse me. You dropped your phone!”. “Oh! Thanks a lot!”. Remember that we can say “thanks a lot” but not “ thank you a lot .”. Another important point: You can use all of these with “for + -ing” or “for + noun” if you want to say why you’re thanking someone. 2. Phrases After Thank You – the ‘Thanks’ Extension.

Is it appropriate to say thank you to someone for advice?

Person 1: OK great, thank you. Person 2: Thank you! Person 1: That advice you gave me really fixed my problems. You’re obviously very knowledgable. Person 2: Thank you. Person 1: No, thank you. Absolutely, but it would only be appropriate if they have also done something for you.