
What did Feanor do?

What did Fëanor do?

He was a craftsman, gem-smith, and warrior, the maker of the Silmarils and inventor of the Tengwar script. He also created the Palantíri. Fëanor was made the mightiest in all parts of body and mind; countenance, understanding, skill, and subtlety, of all the Children of Ilúvatar.

Did Fingolfin cut off Morgoth’s foot?

However, Fingolfin’s last, desperate stroke managed to cut into Morgoth’s heel. After defeating him, Morgoth took Fingolfin’s body and broke it, intending to feed it to his wolves.

Why does Gimli want Galadriel’s hair?

He asked for three strands of her hair, so that he could set them in crystal to be preserved for eternity. Contrary to the movies where Gimli is a stereotypical Dwarf, Gimli in the books is uniquely well-spoken among Dwarves and this skill garners the attention of Galadriel.

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Will feanor be reincarnated?

Fëanor’s spirit remained in the Halls of Mandos and would never be reincarnated in Arda. It is said that he will return for Dagor Dagorath, and will finally reclaim his beloved Silmarils and break them so Yavanna can use their light to restore the Two Trees.

Who is Fëanor in The Hobbit?

Ñoldor (House of Finwë) Fëanor was a Ñoldorin elf and one of the Elven kindred that departed from Valinor in the land of Aman, where they had lived with the Valar. He was born in Valinor, the only child of Finwë, High King of the Ñoldor, and Finwë’s first wife Míriel Therindë.

What were Fëanor’s crafting achievements?

He also was known to have been restless, exploring as much of Aman as he could and constantly crafting new works. By far the greatest of Fëanor’s crafting achievements was the creation of the Silmarils, also called the Great Jewels.

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How did Fëanor make the Silmarils?

To make them, Fëanor captured some of the intermingled light from the Two Trees of Valinor and, by unknown means, locked it into three large diamond-like gems. His creations garnered him great praise, and he came to prize the Silmarils above all else.

What are Fëanor’s flaws?

Fëanor was made the mightiest in all parts of body and mind; countenance, understanding, skill, and subtlety, of all the Children of Ilúvatar. However, in his personality came flaws, foremost among them selfishness and pride, and at a time these would bring anguish and turmoil to his people.