
What did Yoda mean by we are what they grow beyond?

What did Yoda mean by we are what they grow beyond?

“We are what they grow beyond” It means that eventually the pupil/student/apprentice will outgrow and surpass the teacher. EDIT: The student should not only learn from their master’s success, but from their failures as well. Their student’s actions and/or success is part of the master’s legacy.

Was Yoda more powerful than Rey?

Though he insinuates otherwise during his brief cameo in The Last Jedi, Rey doesn’t seem to be as powerful as Master Yoda. Fans have long complained that she isn’t presented as having any flaws or drawbacks, but her apparent mastery over the Force comes off as unintentional or beyond her control.

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What is the bond between Rey and Ben?

Rey and Ben Solo are characters who reject absolutism, embodying elements of both sides of the Force that together represent a kind of balance. The connection between them is strengthened by their vulnerability with one another; they are able to commiserate and recognize shared feelings of loneliness, loss, and fear.

Why are Rey and KYLO a dyad?

Episode IX co-writer Chris Terrio describes Kylo Ren and Rey’s Force dyad as being soulmates in the Force, in which despite being enemies on opposite sides of the war, the Force acts as fate by bringing them together, allowing them to understand each other.

What is Yoda’s famous quote?

1. “Do or do not. There is no try.” This quote is a simple lesson in commitment and the power in giving something our all—not just giving it a try.

What were Yoda’s last words?

There is another Skywalker.” Referring to Leia. It was his dying advice to Luke that no, Luke was not completely bereft of allies with the potential to use the Force. Originally Answered: What did Yoda say when he died?

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What does Yoda say about the fate of those in the force?

This quote highlighting the fate of those in the Force is great, but the end, where he says not to miss or mourn, is both indicative of a Jedi ideology that Anakin had come frustrated with, especially with his romance with Padmé. Nevertheless, Yoda is right in that death is natural, and knowing everyone is one with the Force makes that easier.

Why is Yoda so famous?

Yoda is one of the most iconic Star Wars characters, and part of what makes him so memorable is his oft-quoted, uniquely delivered sayings. No mortal, corporeal Star Wars character was as in-tune with the Force as Jedi Grand Master Yoda.

What did Yoda say to Luke Skywalker in the Last Jedi?

Quote from Yoda to Luke in The Last Jedi regarding Ben Solo and Rey that resonated with me: Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery, hmm… but weakness, folly, failure also. Yes: failure, most of all. The greatest teacher, failure is. Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters.

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Why is Yoda so passive in Return of the Jedi?

Yoda is not someone who fears death and is at peace when the time arrives in Return Of The Jedi for him to become one with the Force. It is a testament to Yoda’s faith and understanding of the Force that he is so passive when his time comes, a nine hundred year life, ending in peace while imparting wisdom on his young protege.