
Is internet a boon or a curse?

Is internet a boon or a curse?

As, there are more disadvantages of this internet, so we can consider as it as a curse for children. But in a very few cases it a boon also,but the overall studies show that it is a curse for small children i.e., less than 15 years of age. Children should be made aware about the cyber crime and cyber bullying.

Why we say the Internet is boon?

It provides us our famous social media sites, which we can’t live without even for a day, it provides us the right notes to study for our examinations, it helps us answer our queries whenever we are stuck in some situations in our lives. Without internet, our lives are incomplete”.

What is the meaning of boon and bane?

boon and bane (plural boons and banes) Something that is both a benefit and an affliction.

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Is social media is boon or bane?

as far as improving our knowledge, communication & interpersonal relationships is concerned social media is a boon, but it is a bane as far as all the huge trash in the form of fake news & misinformation it carries. it is upto the user to select what is good & throw out what is obviously very bad.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using internet?

Advantages of Internet:

  • Source of Information: It is the best source of a variety of information.
  • Source of Entertainment:
  • Keep Informed:
  • Online Shopping:
  • A Waste of Time:
  • Not Safe Place for Children:
  • Privacy Exposure:
  • Money Frauds:

What is boon explain?

1 : a timely benefit : blessing a boon to new homeowners The rain was a boon for parched crops. 2 : benefit, favor especially : one that is given in answer to a request would not grant his boon. boon.

Why is Internet a bane?

Why the Internet is a bane: We used to store a lot of information in our minds and we used to do simple math without using our phones etc. The present generation has way too many distractions because of the internet. Lack of security, because hackers can easily theft data or can manipulate it.

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How is media a curse?

Mixed media becomes a curse to its users in many cases. Media often regulates information with less accuracy and moulding any news to make it attractive to the audience. It often results in harassment of the subjects in the news. The internet has given birth to cyberbullying as well.

Why social media is a curse?

The excess use of networking sites has created many health issues. These health issues include both physical and mental instability. People who are addictive to these sites are experiencing many negative side effects such as headache, eye strain, social withdrawal, and sleep deprivation.

Is the Internet a boon or a curse?

Internet couldn’t says it is a curse or boon.It is only and only made to globalize the world and to to make the world digital. we the people makes it boon or curse . INTERNET has become one of the most useful technology. Even leaving comments in this website is done through internet. So it is a boon.

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Is the Internet a boon or Bane to humanity?

Internet is definitely a boon. It brought the world closer and made our lives easier. We should utilize technology to compete with this fast world. But every coin has two sides.

Is the Internet used for good purpose or for harm?

Whether internet is used for good purpose or it spoils the human life. As the technology and Science develops towards peak one side, whereas lot of harmful things happening on other side. As a good citizen, we are in a position to analyse whether the Science and Technology is doing good to human beings or it harms.

Is anger a curse or a boon?

Anger is neither a curse nor a boon. Anger is your reaction to a difficult situation. Please see the picture above where a pot covered with a lid is placed on a source of fire. There is a constant heat below it and the water inside is heated continuously.