Who was Homer and why was he important?

Who was Homer and why was he important?

Why is Homer significant? Homer is the presumed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, two hugely influential epic poems of ancient Greece. If Homer did in fact compose the works, he is one of the greatest literary artists in the world, and, through these poems, he affected Western standards and ideas.

Why was Homer used as the basis for Greek education?

2) who was Homer, and why was his work used as the basis for Greek education? homer was the greatest poet of all time that wrote the Illiad and the Odyssey. his writings consisted of hero’s and everyone wanted to be like them. they taught courage and about the dark ages.

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Why is the odyssey important to Greece?

The Odyssey came after and its main character is Odysseus with the basis being homecoming from war. Both books were a good past for Greeks after hundreds of years of the Dark Age, and their uplifting and numerous themes are what made them so important to Greek education and life after the Dark Age.

What did Homer accomplish?

The Greek poet Homer is credited with being the first to write down the epic stories of ‘The Iliad’ and ‘The Odyssey,’ and the impact of his tales continues to reverberate through Western culture.

How did Homer influence literature?

Homer has been called “The Father of Western Literature” for his massive impact on almost every author after him. Homer’s plots, themes, and dialogue influenced the development of Greek drama and many playwrights drew inspiration from his stories including the Greek tragedian Aeschylus.

What did Homer do?

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What does Homer Iliad tell us about Greek society?

Additionally, the Iliad reveals much about the religious life of the early Greeks: how sacrifices were carried out, for example, or beliefs about the power of fate. Indeed, destiny is a critical theme within the Iliad and a power before which even Zeus must bow.

What did Homer write what important purposes did his writings serve for later generations?

What important purposes did his writings serve for later generations? Homer was a famous poet who wrote the Illiad and Odeyssy. Homer supposedly wrote about the military adventures for generations to come. Why did early Greeks colonize distant lands?

Why is the odyssey important?

The Odyssey is such a timeless story not only for its terrifying monsters, rip-roaring action scenes, and wealth of information on Mediterranean geography and legends but also because it involves the irresistible plot line of a worthy hero trying desperately to get back to his city, his family, and his throne.

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What did Homer study?

He was studied as part of Greek education, and the legends within his work would influence Hellenistic culture, Roman culture, and far beyond, so that Homer’s lasting legacy is that his works are still studied to this day.

Why were myths used in ancient Greece?

Greeks regarded mythology as a part of their history. They used myth to explain natural phenomena, cultural variations, traditional enmities, and friendships. It was a source of pride to be able to trace the descent of one’s leaders from a mythological hero or a god.